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We're wondering if any of you have participated in a dissection lab. If so, how was this learning tool helpful for your practice? Be sure to check out Thomas Myers' feature article "Discovery Through Dissection" in the January/February 2010 issue, page 34.

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Yes. I was alone in a cold room with seventeen former people at one point, which felt quite odd at first. It was useful to see just how challenging the ITB is to move. It was good to work with the body in 3D. It was fairly awesome to hold a human heart. The experience deepens one's respect for the complexity of the organic machine. I don't believe it's necessary to bodyworkers. It is fascinating.
Sadly, no. Kent's course is on my list of things to accomplish. 40 hours from start to finish.... oh the amazing things to see and learn!
Yes, It was the best, most interesting educational experience I have ever had. I learned more about the human body in a week than I had in the years of practice before the class. I attended class with about 15 other Massage Therapists and Physical Therapists. It was always respectful bordering on reverence. If you are serious about your craft, the time and money spent on a dissection workshop is well worth it.


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