massage and bodywork professionals

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I have several clients with cancer. To date two of them did not make it. Not to sound callous but do you have any advice on how to minimize the heartbreak you feel for cancer patients that do not make it? I would like to continue working with cancer patients but the heartbreak is very hard to deal with.

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Dear Heather, I can so understand what you are going through, your questions is a difficult one to answer- since we get so close to our clients. Death is devastating- but is part of life, and there is, and should be a grieving process. The way I deal with it is knowing that I was able to give this person a positive experience, and that every person I meet and work with is a gift in my life and that's worth it to me. If you are a person that likes ceremonies I suggest doing a detachment and clearing ceremony in your massage room, and some meditation/setting intention to bless and release the person's energy. Working with dying clients is not for everyone, so it is important that the M. Therapist recognizes their difficulties and boundaries. I hope that helps- Eeris
Heather- I also wanted thank you and welcome you for joining this group. I am looking forward to more discussion!
Dear Eeris, Thanks a lot for your advice. Knowing that I am giving a positive experience is a great help to these clients will help me to continue giving cancer massages

Eeris Kallil CMT said:
Dear Heather, I can so understand what you are going through, your questions is a difficult one to answer- since we get so close to our clients. Death is devastating- but is part of life, and there is, and should be a grieving process. The way I deal with it is knowing that I was able to give this person a positive experience, and that every person I meet and work with is a gift in my life and that's worth it to me. If you are a person that likes ceremonies I suggest doing a detachment and clearing ceremony in your massage room, and some meditation/setting intention to bless and release the person's energy. Working with dying clients is not for everyone, so it is important that the M. Therapist recognizes their difficulties and boundaries. I hope that helps- Eeris
Perhaps it may help to remember that facilitating a clients healing doesn't mean "curing". Healing can mean helping clients transition peacefully from the physical body.
There are some very good courses offered to health care professionals who deal with patients who are dying. I don't know where you are or what is offered in your area, but I would suggest calling a hospice. People who work in hospices, either as professionals or volunteers, are involved with palliative care. They are constantly working with clients who are dying. I'm sure that there are courses offered to help them cope with their feelings. It is important. You are doing valuable work, but you need to safeguard your own emotional health too.
Thanks a lot for the input Lee. I will most certainly check this out and look for the
necessary courses to help me with this.


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