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Personally I do Jin Shin Jyutsu self help on a daily basis, take morning walks with our family dog & do my best to squeeze in a morning meditation, once everyone is gone for the day.

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I do many things to clear energy both in my healing space as well as in my body. To keep my body clear I ground and center myself, then surround myself with light creating an energetic boundary before I start my day. Throughout the day I periodically re-ground, and will go outside if need be. Soaking in dead sea salts and getting regular bodywork is also helpful to me for keeping clear. As far as keeping my work space clear, I find plants are extremely helpful as well as letting fresh air circulate in the room once or twice a day. I also utilize smudging, my serenity sprays and Sound Wave CD's that help keep the space clear.

Hi Serenity Susan!

I actually do a number of the same things, as well as using my Singing Bowls - which can do amazing things to clear things on multiple levels. I also love using high quality essential oils for clearing & energizing, especially those by
MZ Alchemists. You can find them on I know many folks swear by their Young Living Oils, but I do feel the frequency/quality of the MZ line to be superior, both as single oils & as blends. Besides that I occasionally use particular crystals, especially rough pieces of ruby & black tourmaline too, as well as keeping large quartz clusters in the office to keep it clear.

Serenity Achieved! said:
I do many things to clear energy both in my healing space as well as in my body. To keep my body clear I ground and center myself, then surround myself with light creating an energetic boundary before I start my day. Throughout the day I periodically re-ground, and will go outside if need be. Soaking in dead sea salts and getting regular bodywork is also helpful to me for keeping clear. As far as keeping my work space clear, I find plants are extremely helpful as well as letting fresh air circulate in the room once or twice a day. I also utilize smudging, my serenity sprays and Sound Wave CD's that help keep the space clear.

I really have no dedicated way to clear daily but after working on a client or friend, I do make sure that what ever they have let go of I also let go of. I also call back all of my energies from where ever they might have gone off to. I always am sure that all this is done with light and love.
we are channels of energy that can be blocked, they can get dirty and prevent the free flow of energy. this energy that comes from the "cosmos" living with us. to avoid stagnation or blockages good start to learn how to transmute energy, the energy that surrounds us and influences us is often the cause of our locks, if we learn to pick up that negative energy but transform it into good,that does not affect us. we clean up our environment by placing stones of quartz, especially white quartz and amethyst (my favorite), the violet color which is the color of the angel of transmutation, the color of spirituality and divine communication is the best color to protect and maintain a fluid energy environment. have natural plants is fundamental, not only purify the air to provide oxygen but transmute energy and bad vibes. We can also drop cold water from our heads and run, this will clean our aura, eliminates bad vibes and clear our energy channels. placing glass vases with water and camphor is assistant. balancier we can channel energy and chakras with a pendulum, especially those of quartz, rose quartz is very good to provide balance. our bodies go through the 4 elements of nature: earth (salt), air (incense), fire (candles) and water (water) is a good element to cleanse our energy fields and allow it to flow. this element is very simple: salt and water are mixed, this is a sort of holy water with it ;-) you mist your body (remember that the body is cleaned from top to bottom and is energized from bottom to top) then pass incense by your body (beware of strong odors), and finally l flame of a candle (be careful you do not burn). Additional to this, prayer and good nutrition allows energy to flow and be clean as a massage therapist can acquire energies which are not ours, always wash your hands with cold water to run, after each massage.

energy is in everywhere, i never write a lot, but i love energyworks, it's a theme i can express all of me.

blessed be!

P.S. I personally do not recommend the black stones, except maybe the jet and it's not a stone it's a resin. used white quartz, amethyst, rose quartz, aquamarine, lapizlazuli, jade or aventurine.
I work out and enjoy being an outdoorsman.....summer or winter. I have a martini at nite with my wife to celebrate us being alive one more day,
Posted by: J. Arnaldo Pabon
P.S. I personally do not recommend the black stones, except maybe the jet and it's not a stone it's a resin. used white quartz, amethyst, rose quartz, aquamarine, lapizlazuli, jade or aventurine.

As per a book many consider to be the "bible" of stones & crystals: Love is in the Earth by Melody:

Black Tourmaline can be used to both repel & protect against negativity. It acts to protect one from being victimized by the negative energy of another. It has also been used as an energy deflector, being an excellent stone for those with potential for exposure to excessive amounts of radiation (flying on planes would be one example). It provides for an increase in ones physical vitality, emotional stability, and intellectual acuity. and can maintain ones "spirits" even in conditions which appear to emit the messages of "gloom and doom". It is a special stone to Native American Indians: black tourmaline in quartz not only dispels "spells", but energizes the "victim" and actually increases well-being: used with mica returns the "spell" to the originating source and allows one to view the sender of the negative energies.

It is also used to activate grounding between the 1st chakra and the center of the Earth, providing for further enhancement of ones well-being on the physical plane, and protecting against those in the spirit world and/or those on the physical plane who are not in the "light" and do not understand the love of the universe.

It acts to stimulate the reflex points associated with the lower back. IT can be used in the treatment of arthritis, dyslexia, heart dis-ease, anxiety, and disorientation. It can also provide for both the stimulation and the balancing of the adrenal glands.

In addition to what Melody's uses are, I like using Black Tourmaline specifically because it never needs to be cleansed of negative energy - as this stone acts like a self cleaning oven!
Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Japanese "acupressure" type of healing art which has effects very similar to those of acupuncture. It can be used on everyone - regardless of age or stage of life - and for all types of conditions. It helps to relieve deep levels of emotional & mental stress, as well as the physical state - as it works with the energetic pathways of the body. I've used it to clear many of my families health issues as well as working with clients for over 10 years now & am still amazed at incredible this is for everything I've used it for, including self help!

Check out the book A Touch of Healing by Alice Burmeister if you like to know even more about it! .


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