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My grandfather got a pace maker installed a little over a week ago and is currently in a lot of pain. he checked back in to the hospital today with what they think is an infection. He keeps asking me to massage him but i'm not sure that i should. He describes his pain as shooting pains in specific areas especially the left side of his upper back around his rhomboids and around his waist. he says its like twinges shooting pains and spasms. I would really like to massage him if only a little do you think its ok and if so what techniques should i use and not use or any advice on easing his pain aside from pain killers. I'm going to see if i can talk to his doctor tomorrow as well but i wanted some insight into what i should do if i get the ok. I never did work with elderly clients in school nor did i encounter anyone with recent surgeries or pacemakers so it is pretty new. I think that massage would help him relax, he cant even sleep lying flat he has to prop himself up and has been doing that for months. Sorry if i'm rambling i feel like i can help but i don't want to do anything that could hurt him. Please, any advice, different positioning or bolstering stretches etc that i could do to ease his pain i would really like to hear.

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First let me say that I send best wishes for your father- and for you. I'm sure he appreciates that you are there.
Regarding massaging him: since he had recent surgery and a possible infection, you'll want to repect the "rules" for contraindications for circulatory massage. However a soothing, gentle foot massage might be soothing to him. I would avoid circulatory massage on the calves since post surgery there is risk of blood clots. You can use focused touch (just holding) on the areas where he is feeling discomfort, sending him love through your hands.
I hope this helps. Remember the most important thing is the gift of your presense.
Thanks! It was a severe electrolyte imbalance along with an infection, a lot of his discomfort is gone now that his saline levels are better and we will start doing weekly sessions soon to help get him a little more mobilized.

Ann Catlin said:
First let me say that I send best wishes for your father- and for you. I'm sure he appreciates that you are there.
Regarding massaging him: since he had recent surgery and a possible infection, you'll want to repect the "rules" for contraindications for circulatory massage. However a soothing, gentle foot massage might be soothing to him. I would avoid circulatory massage on the calves since post surgery there is risk of blood clots. You can use focused touch (just holding) on the areas where he is feeling discomfort, sending him love through your hands.
I hope this helps. Remember the most important thing is the gift of your presense.


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