massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

In addition to a good website, the other main way to build a massage business is to have a large referral network of people to refer clients to you.

This can come in many ways - from having the clients that you do already have send people to you, having doctors and other health care professionals refer to you, having other businesses refer to you.

First off you clients may often just naturally want to refer people to you.  Just start out and tell them something like:
I am in the process of building my business, so if you know anyone who could use a massage just tell them I offer a free consultation.

Ok did you get the last part of this?  You have to have a clear way for people to tell others to contact you.  Just saying 'call my massage therapist' often isn't inspiring enough for people to just pick up the phone.  Your website is a good place to start because it can help answer many of the basic questions that people have and it is available 24/7. 

You can also offer people an incentive to send you referrals like send my x amount of clients and I will give you a free half hour massage or something like that. 

Getting doctors and other health care professionals to refer to you will start with finding providers who understand the value of massage.  It is also about finding people that you would go to yourself for care - and that is one of the first steps - Go and visit them as a client!  See if you like what they do or the type of care they provide. Then you can send people to them.  Oh but you thought this was all about getting you clients... People are more likely to refer once they know you respect them!

This is true for getting other businesses to refer to you. 

Give before you get!

To learn more about building a referral network please visit my website and also post your challenges in building a referral network here!

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