massage and bodywork professionals
a community of practitioners
For massage therapists/bodyworkers in the state of New Hampshire.
Members: 31
Latest Activity: Aug 1, 2018
Please pass on to other massage therapists ... Would you like to network with other massage therapist & bodywork professionals? If so, you are invited to an exciting networking event on:…Continue
Started by Kevin Clark Sep 25, 2012.
As you probably know, New Hampshire House Bill 446 is dead. However, two new house bills have been introduced that could have major impacts on the regulation of massage therapy: HB 1265 – this Bill…Continue
Started by Kevin Clark Jan 10, 2012.
Click on the link below:Important News from Concord:…Continue
Started by Kevin Clark Dec 25, 2011.
From Vickie Branch, Government Relations, AMTA-NH Dear Friends and Colleagues, As many of you are aware, House Bill 446 – an act to repeal regulation for certain professions, was introduced to the…Continue
Started by Kevin Clark. Last reply by Kevin Clark Nov 18, 2011.
Hi Bethany, what type of bodywork are you referring to? If you are referring to energy work, last I knew energy workers are allowed to work without a license. Are you going to be able to get your missing hours by doing CE's? That was always a point I was unsure of with the state, if so thats great as that will be much easier. That your nervous just means this is important to you in my view, which is a very good thing :).
Hey everyone, I'm getting very excited to get started in NH, but at the same time very nervous. I have been a private business owner in IL for almost 5 years, and I'm scared to start over or even work for someone else lol. Beginners nerves all over again! lol. It appears I'm 20 hours short in A&P, but far over-qualified in other areas. I'm looking at some online ceu's in A&P to help & keep my ceu's up. I have a question for y'all... NH has a different license for Massage Therapists & Bodyworkers... what is the difference? I am a bodyworker in IL, but we have no seperate licensing... Can Bodyworkers practice massage without the seperate license?
Hello again Bethany. It sounds like you're getting down to the nitty gritty details now. I basically agree with Michael. It's time to get some more input/guidance from the licensing folks. What I'd suggest is identifying courses that you think might belong in the A&P category and then call the State to see if they agree with you. You can talk with Connie (or whoever answers the phone). If she doesn't know the answer, she'll kick it up to Christine.
If you send your transcript to the state of NH, Christine Topham in charge of Licensing for Massage will break it down for you. The state will then send you a sheet saying how your hours match up and if you need any additional. If you need additional the sheet will say what hours you need. I run one of the massage programs in NH and would happy to tell you what classes Hesser College offers that match up to your need. But I think at a 1000 hours of education you should be fine but let the state match it up so its official.
NH looks for a CPR/Fa class to be Red Cross or American Heart Association certified, last I knew there is no online course for CPR/Fa. I think AHA offers an online course for part of CPR/Fa but then you have to demonstrate your skills with an instructor.
I just don't know how to categorize everything. Mainly I'm not sure what would work in the A&P category... I saw Anatomy, Physiology, & Kinesiology... but is there anything else that can go in that category? I'm also trying to find out if there is an online CPR/First Aid that NH would accept & do I need to do pediatric as well, or just adult. It's mainly just details like that lol. My instructor is helping me too since she has to fill out most of that stuff anyway (yay Facebook).
Hi Bethany, I assume you're trying to fill out the transcript review packet. I'd be happy to help but I'm not sure how to do that long distance.
Thanks Kevin & Kristin. I'm trying to get everything figured out for this license & I am just getting myself confused lol. My schooling was a 1000 hour course & very comprehensive... but my transcript os broken down into more categories than what the state of NH has. I'm just not sure where to place all of my hours, what categories they should go into, etc. Licensing is complicated lol. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I think I talked to Janet at the state office in NH, she was really helpful... but I think the office closed before I realized how confused I was hehe.
Bethany: If you need assistance with NH licensing, you can always call Connie Beliveau at (603) 271-9254.
Hi Bethany!
I have worked in MA since 2004 and am new to Manchester NH area, recently transitioned my business to Londonderry. If you are living in NH, you can apply for a temporary massage license in NH which is effective for 1 year, and will allow some additional time if you need to work on some of the other requirements in the meantime. Here's the contact page for NH Board of Massage. Ask them about the temporary license paperwork because it's not listed on their site:
Hope this is helpful for you!!
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