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After watching Eric Dalton's presentation on the 42 pound head, I had a series of forward head clients the next day.  I needed a self-care instruction to help them maintain the improvements  gained.  This is what I came up with. [tested it on another therapist at the end of the day and she was delighted with the effect.]


  1. Stand in front of a wall the distance of the length of your fore arms. 
  2. Abduct shoulder 30 t0 45 degrees and flex elbows 90 degrees and place palms or fist against wall.
  3. keeping body strait lean into the wall keeping the nose from hitting the wall with your arms.
  4. Try to pull your head back away from the wall and lean in farther. 
  5. Push yourself up straight keeping head in new position.
  6. Repeat the above fallowing the functional exercise rule. Did you see FUN on the front of functional? If it stops being fun stop doing it.]
  7. Have client practice after bodywork session and observe changes in lordosis/kyphosis and where stretch is felt.
Explain the benefits these changes will have for the client as incentive for the client to put the self-care into their daily routine.

Hans Albert Quistorff, LMP
Antalgic Posture Pain Specialist

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