massage and bodywork professionals
a community of practitioners
Hi. I'm new to this site and excited to find it. I am starting a new practice within an orthopedic surgery in New Zealand. I will be concentrating on working with clients to manage their pain and doing pre-op massage. I would like to increase my knowledge to be able to perform safe and effective post operative massage as well (maybe even resolve complaints without the need for surgery).
Is anyone able to steer me in the right direction re online courses and resources to help me head in this direction?
Views: 206
Thanks Whitney, I have just been listening to you on utube talking about the virtues of online learning. Sounds exciting.
Thanks Larry, we are quite lucky here although I'm sure some surgeons are all about making a profit - the surgeons I work with recommend non surgical options to their clients before resorting to the knife...lucky for me:) I will look in to Dr Travell's books - I remember they were strongly recommended to me years ago when I did a neuromuscular therapy workshop.
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