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I am eligible for the grandfathering clause of the new MT law, but I want to take the exam anyway......any one else feel the same?  Or am I being crazy?

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Personally, I would not take any exam I did not have to take. I am a great test taker, always do well and rarely study. However, I tend to stress about tests. There is enough stress around us everyday, so I don't need any extra.

I think we are all a little "crazy". Don't worry, normal is overrated!

P.S. - Best of luck if you do!
I think you are smart for taking it. If you take it but are grandfathered in then it would look that much better on your records to see that you TOOK the exam, even though you were grandfathered in.
Well, if you can see some benefit in it such as being able to practice in Delaware (after applying for the license) I would do it. If you just want to do it for yourself then go for it, but don't forget that we have to pay to take this test and if we don't make it we have to pay to retake it. Aside from bragging rights in PA. I don't think it adds to your bottom line. When this legislation goes into effect, we'll say we are licensed masssage therapists, not licensed massage therapists that also passed the exam. I don't think it'll matter to our clients. So if you do it - do it for your own self satisfaction. Good luck.
I feel the same way. I have been out of school for almost eleven years and forgot a lot that I don't use everyday. I still am going to take the test just for myself, but won't be as stressed over it knowing I should be grandfatherd in.
The National Exam is expensive and can be stressful, and I don't think that most of our clients understand the implications of having passed it anyway. Having said that, it can still be a useful tool in your career should you ever want to move your practice to another state. Before licensure was pushed through in PA, I recommended to my clients that they see only therapists with the national certification (only because, as we all know, there are some reprehensible massage practices still out there). I do not believe it makes you a better therapist, but it allays some of the fears new clients may have. Now, with licensure, it MAY give you a little extra cache and show that you take your profession seriously enough to go the extra mile. However, if you don't plan a move across borders, it may be an expense you don't wish to incur.
I passed!

William Snyder said:
I passed!
Congrats!!! I am taking the NCBTMB exam on July 8th. Cant wait..........

William Snyder said:
I passed!
Congratulations William!


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