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Polarity Therapy

It's time for Polarity Therapy to be well known. Practitioners know it's power. We can make this happen.

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Started by Laura F smith. Last reply by Kris Stecker Oct 12, 2009.

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Comment by Kris Stecker on September 26, 2010 at 11:57am
New RPP classes at Spa Tech Institute ( ) are starting in November in the day which means the day RYSE will be coming around again as well. If you know anyone who is interested, please be sure to have them contact the school soon to get enrolled. If you aren't sure what RYSE is check out for more information.
Comment by Tonya Brooks-Taylor on September 13, 2010 at 7:13am
Hi Kris, when I was searching for MT schools a few years ago I did it via the
web specifically a few websites that listed schools and had comments/reviews. I visited several schools rvd massages and spoke with students and grads. I don't recall seeing anything on Spa Tech at the time but maybe missed it or didn't have it on my list because at the time distance was a big issue for me. When I heard about it I was already in a achool. I have referred friends to Spa Tech though (Eridania's awesome)and one graduated this yr. I'm confident once I am able to I will most definitely be attending Spa Tech in Plymouth so I look forward to mtg you in person one day soon! Take care.
Comment by Kris Stecker on September 13, 2010 at 5:26am
Thank you Tonya. We have been blessed with great students and teachers that make it all possible.

It's smart to be thinking of multiple licenses. We see more people doing that all the time. It's a great combination.

Out of curiosity, how did you go about finding and deciding on which school to attend for MT? I keep trying to improve our outreach so more people know about the school and understanding how we missed you would be helpful.

I look forward to meeting you sometime in the future.

Have a great day.

Comment by Tonya Brooks-Taylor on September 12, 2010 at 10:07pm
Hi Kris. Thank you for responding. LOL. And thanks for the full disclosure too. Hats off to you for the excellent school you own. You must be very pleased with the work it does for it's a great school with awesome MT and Esthetician programs. When I was considering MT programs I hadn't heard of Spa Tech or I definitely would have attended there. Since Spa Tech is also one of two schools I'm considering for Esthetician training (in a couple of years likely) I'll definitely take your advice into consideration!
Comment by Kris Stecker on September 12, 2010 at 2:17pm
Full disclosure: I'm the owner of Spa Tech so I'm really biased.

Spa Tech is the only school teaching a full RPP and APP polarity program in New England. There may be some other APP programs but I'm not aware of any at this time.

The program is accredited and qualifies for Federal Student Aid.

Nancy has been a leader in the polarity industry for over 30 years and we were both on the original APTA committee that wrote the Standards for Practice. Nancy has also been the point person on the recent work developing the national exam for Polarity.

The curriculum has been developed and refined starting in 1980 so it is well honed. And the teachers have learned from Nancy and are excellent practitioners as well as teachers.

I completely understand your love of the work. I'm the same way. It was the most important healing work I ever received. It changed everything. I love massage but Polarity is amazing. And then when you become a polarity practitioner it transforms you with every session you do.

Polarity practitioners who have done the work for 5 or more years all seem to have the same experience: Your primary perception of yourself changes from a physical being to an energetic being.

From a market point of view Polarity has a very low profile. That's partly a function that many polarity practitioners have private practices that fill by word of mouth. Some of the more advanced spas and clinics have started to understand the value of polarity but since it is not a household word, many of them don't understand how to market it so it remains peripheral. However, if you are passionate about doing polarity, and you seem to be tuned into it, I suspect you will attract a large following very quickly.

What we have found is that you don't choose polarity, it chooses you.

For more information I would recommend visiting the Spa Tech where you may be attending and talk to some of the teachers and students about Polarity and the school.

I hope you have the chance to become a polarity practitioner. It's a life changing experience.

Comment by Tonya Brooks-Taylor on September 12, 2010 at 10:18am
Hi, I am very interested in Polarity training. I experienced it from an instructor of mine on several occasions and just fell in love with it for some reason. Any suggestions or advice on the best schools to look into for this modality? They would need to be in Massachusetts as that is where I'm from. I know about and am looking into Spa Tech, any others?
Comment by Kris Stecker on July 21, 2010 at 7:34am
Has anyone had experience getting a local license for polarity in Massachusetts since the new massage law took effect? What town and what happened?
Comment by Kris Stecker on October 12, 2009 at 8:53am
How do you feel about Polarity Therapy being relatively unknown?
Comment by Timothy Starkey on October 6, 2009 at 7:29am
Diane, welcome to the group. You are correct there are a large number of people who call themselves Reiki Masters. Some are good at what they do some are not. There is no standardization for waht it takes to use the term Reiki Master. If someone does not like something in the process they just create a new lineage with their own standards. For Polarity there are standards that have been created by APTA. When people ask the difference i let them know that i do not want to bad mouth Riki as i have known some individuals who do Reiki who do good work but ultimately many people who do Reiki often have no training in anatomy, physiology, pathology, hygiene, infection control, ethics, boundaries, indications, contraindications, nor are their standards for education and training. For Reiki there are no Standards of Practice or Standards of Education. Someone can get trained in Reiki in as little as 2-6 days. On the other hand polarity therapists get 155+ hours for APP and 675+ for RPP. You are right that polarity is awesome and divine. In addition it is grounded in science and of understanding the enatomy of the body and how it relates to the anatomy of the energetic systems. I have had many people who do reiki come and study polarity therapy and they are craving the skills and knowledge to take their desire to help others to an increadible level. Keep marketing yourself to the public and more people will begin to understand the powerful work that you do. Think about trying to get local magazines, news papers, newsletters for businesses to do articles on polarity therapy. These are things that over the past 20 years that a fair number of reiki individuals have done which helped them to grow their special nitch.
Best of luck for continued success.
Comment by Diane McCarter on October 5, 2009 at 11:33pm
Just joined the group. I'm an R.P.P. and also a certified cranio sacral therapist..with almost 20 yrs. experience. Training and experience in Los Angeles.
Moved to Flagstaff, AZ over a year ago and am finding it difficult building a practice here. As far as energy work goes they only know about Reikki..did I spell that right ? Can anyone tell me why there are so many Reikki masters..even in this small town there seems to be hundreds. Funny. I thought a master was someone special , and not among thousands.
Anyway Polarity is awesome and divine. I am grateful for the gift.
Look forward to communicating but it's getting late here.
Ciao for now

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