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The word "quiromasaje" is used to define the private sphere studies initially taught in Spain and later in other countries speaking on the art and technique of a form of massage. Etymologically, from a union of the Greek word "κιροσ" or "Quiros", meaning "hands" with the word "massage". Thus, "quiromasaje" literally means "hand massage" or "hand massage" and that term is used to differentiate it from massage using electro-mechanical devices.
His working definition is: "The Quiromasaje is a valuation method (by palpation perceptual) and manual therapy applied to the cover body and transmitted by mechanical pressure from the hands of the various organs and tissues in the human body. That has to time, regulatory effects on pain, general feeling of energy, mood, fatigue and generally on the psyche. Depending on the indication and the objectives of proposed treatment, can have effects that generate direct action and / or reflex on the body. The benefits of massage have come down to us to evolve from the simplest techniques to provide relaxation and promote sleep, to the specific development of some more complex to alleviate or eliminate specific ailments of the body and / or body. Below are several major impacts:

Mechanical: referring to as the mechanical forces associated with each maneuver affect the tissues.
Physiological Hygiene: When the massage is done in a healthy person to provide greater force to the body or to relieve fatigue and is associated with the practice of gentle exercise or gymnastics, and / or sauna, steam bath or Turkish bath etc..
Preventive: is satisfied where it is located and an area delimited by palpation tense or possible injury, I communicate the subject receiving the massage and if it is feasible. In addition to this treatment advise attached to the practice of moderate exercise is done to promote wellness and massage lasts. Thus fulfilling the functions of several massage therapist: nurse-prevent, treat and promote health.
Therapeutic: When using massage to improve circulatory function, impaired mobility recover from damaged tissues, alleviate and / or reduce pain, or to optimize sensory awareness. At the time that massage provides human support, relaxation and wellness, helping in the recovery and health maintenance becomes even unintentionally, in a therapeutic act.
Esthetic Hygiene: to mobilize the skin causes a mechanical effect is towed or cleaning, eliminating scaly cells. When the QM aims to improve the external appearance of the person, eliminating fat deposits, restoring muscle tone and relax tired. It has since hygienic results by eliminating fatigue in a healthy person produces an aesthetic result.
Sports: when you do to prepare a competitive athlete with a purpose before, during and after practice it.
Psychological-mood: the experienced hand contact provides calm, security and comfort to the person treated, provides relaxation while relieving stress regulates and psychophysics.
And it qualifies as Dr. Ulrich Storck (No. 16 in the final bibliography): "`[...] never forget that the success of the massage depends on the multiple effects inextricably tied to each other [...]" . Effects that generate direct action and / or reflection on the body, are detailed below:

Direct or local 1: related to the mechanical action of the hand over the tissues, are those that are manifested in the application site. For example, moderate heating by friction, pumping movement; stretching the soft tissue off the scar tissue, assist in the rupture of adhesions and fibrosis, increased permeability between tissues; discharge of enzymes and improves elasticity tissues and promotes the slippage between them
2nd Indirect or reflex: they arise at a distance from site of application examples: relaxation, promote sleep, relieve pain, promote microcirculation; provide balance Autonomic Nervous System
The mix of stocks and generate a response effects on different tissues and organs as well as positive changes and balancing on the different moods and energy. Dr. Storck further specified: Wherever "[...] be considered an increase in capacity to meet the demands, ie where a certain weariness has introduced organic and tissue massage is the stimulation of the [...]; half more effective healing and massage as "[...] designates the function regulator [...]".

To which we add to the sum of effects and actions of the active massage likewise the capacity to heal the body.

Technique and indications [edit] One technique of palpation is used to test or skin-fold test of Kibler, or clip filmed, this maneuver is similar to the action of "a cigarette", with the thumbs and indexes are up and moving a fold of skin over the area to explore. What areas of hyperalgesia to appreciate (or Head areas: areas of skin hyperalgesia, referred pain associated with altered states of an internal organ, are very sensitive to touch, cold and heat), muscle stiffness and / or vegetative disturbances.

In practice, the QM is based on the use of a combination of technical movements "appear" to amassing a bread dough, kneading called maneuvers, and others who provide a component of friction, pressure, percussion and vibration. More use of passive kinesitherapy appropriate for different situations: stretching, joint mobilization, etc..

Usually the contact is exercised in a gradual and lengthy at first to be focusing on more limited areas and tense as treatment progresses, just as the maneuvers are applied from low to high intensity to be the average intensity and the more upper-middle common and usually mild end. Although certain maneuvers that have their own strength, p. eg.: the "Soft Rods," also called "Pass Neurosedative" applied very superficially.

These movements serve to treat and prevent discomfort or illness, to take a break after a day, a week .. months ... to accumulate tension. And they go, to ease or get rid of muscle tension by changes in posture; address the lack of tone (eg.: Bedridden or after long periods after withdrawal of strict immobilization bandages plaster type) or online status hypertonic muscle tension.

Massage improves the functioning of the joints, increases blood flow and promote peristalsis in the colon. By increasing the drainage of fluids (lymph and blood), optimizes the functioning of the organs and the transport of oxygen in the blood. Maneuvers also "pumping" favor "passive washing effect" by eliminating the waste products of muscle metabolism. And one way reflex massage is actively involved in the regulation and balance moods. Therefore, we can ensure that massage activates the self-healing capacity of the human body, medicatrix naturae Vis, that is, the force of human nature for self-healing.

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