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Self-Fascial Release Mastery - a revolutionary new approach!


Self-Fascial Release Mastery - a revolutionary new approach!

Rick Grande, an MT with over 11,000 hrs. of hands on experience, developed a revolutionary new approach to Self-Fascial Release. Respected as the master of this art, Rick shares his experience and knowledge with all.

Location: Adirondack Mountains, upstate NY
Members: 29
Latest Activity: Nov 25, 2013

Hi fellow therapists! The universe "pushed me off the cliff", deciding it was time for me to move past my personal limitations and share with the world, what my destiny has been all along.... introducing an entirely new field of self-release! It encompasses the use of tools to assist in fascial release, a stretching routine that involves full range of motion and strengthening.
With the myriad modalities that have developed over the past years, one field appears to have barley been given attention..self-massage/ fascial release. Though I may not be aware, the only tool I know of (for fascial release) is the foam roller. I'm very fond of the foam roller and incorporate it in my routine but, in my experience, is limited to a certain "dimension" in it's use.
I have a list of injuries to my body, most of which are serious problems and none have ever been treated by standard medical procedures. If I were to list them all I'd sound like a hypochondriac. The most serious being a spinal deformity that I later injured. In 8th grade I joined wrestling for the first time. While in a sitting position on the floor, with legs out, someone jumped on my shoulders with full force, snapping ligaments connecting L3 and L4. Not only was I told to "run it off" but, everyone ignored the seriousness of my problem and I didn't have a doctor x-ray it until a few years later. I was in so much excruciating pain for the first few months that I repeatedly punched holes in the wall of my bedroom!. A few other injuries I have endured...Rotator cuff tear (twice) in left shoulder which, I still experience "splinting"... a minor tear in the right shoulder....a snapped ligament in right, medial knee, I'm guessing the meniscus or MCL (those and the ACL were all involved).... a snapped ligament or muscle rotator in the left T12 and L1 vertebrae are compressed to gather with calcium build all around them and, I have a couple other vertebrae that lack support from the years of imbalanced patterning, caused by the original trauma...every limb joint in my body has experienced some form of injury.
At the age of 24 (1994), I attended massage school at the Florida School of Massage. Shortly into my new career as an MT in Colorado, I realized that my body was "killing me". I couldn't get enough of the work I needed and very few MT's had the knowledge and quality of touch I needed. I found myself seeking out objects to rub my muscles on ie: the corner of a wall for between the shoulders...the railing outside, to run my calf and hamstrings across.... It wasn't long before I thought of tools I could make to work on different parts of my body. It didn't matter how elaborate, it was worth it if they could achieve the results I needed. If I had to buy a tool for $40 that only addressed my forearms it would be worth it for me, the problem is, it didn't really I made it (and many others)!
Once I had a nice repertoire of tools I began using them eagerly. When I realized I was releasing my body like never before, I became addicted. There was a period of time that I would get out of work at 3pm and work on my body until 1 or 2am! My body was experiencing a revolution of freedom. Ribs, vertebrae and limb joints that didn't hurt or feel out of place would realign and bring unbelievable relief! I always showed up at work an hour early and stretched, often incorporating the hand rail that led up to the entrance of the Yampah Spa and Vapor Caves, were I worked. I developed an entire routine using this rail! I often would not have a full schedule, esp. at 9am so, I would heat my body in the vapor caves (I had a routine of heating my body to the max and then using the ice cold water from the shower or hose to cool myself as much as I could withstand, I would actually run the cold water up and down meridians) then spend whatever time I had using my tools and stretching. Before I started using my tools and pursuing my release, my flexibility was horrible. My body was locked into patterns from the lack of structural/ spinal support and other injuries. As time went on I was getting more and more comments from my co-workers and visitors to the spa. After being committed to my release for a year and a half, many people used the term "contortionist", when referring to my flexibility , as they saw me stretching in front of the spa. I need to add that during this process I realized my knee joints were becoming too loose so, I began lifting weights. I also realized as a MT that one of the biggest problems, in general, for most people, was that they lacked the muscle strength to support there framework.
My business is still at it's infancy. There are so many things I need to show, express and convey. I am willing to share any and everything and would appreciate any ideas or opinions you may have. I believe everything that happened in my life had the purpose of this moment ...bringing this new method to my fellow human beings. After all, my psychic friend told me about it a few years before I became a massage it accurate to say it already existed!?
Love and Peace, Rick Grande
Adirondack Massage Tools

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Comment by Gordon J. Wallis on October 5, 2011 at 6:05pm
Ive been using self massage tools for years... Self massage has helped me be good at what I do.. You learn the actual, instead of repeating some style or belief system.  I'm buying that.. Its brilliant.
Comment by Tayna Adams on June 10, 2010 at 10:58pm
Ok so is it strange that I was almost salivating over this tool?? Ha ha this is what my body has been screaming for the past few months! I am very impressed with the thought and time that you have put into this, it can benefit so many of us therapists who don't take enough time to get an actual massage or like in your case do not have a therapist with the tools you need for an effective massage. Kudos to you Rick and thanks for sharing and taking care of the rest of us. :)
Comment by Daniel Tautenhan on February 21, 2010 at 12:49pm
I appreciate the self mastery!
Comment by Eeris Kallil CMT on January 3, 2010 at 4:43pm
looks like a great tool! I will look into it!
Comment by Randy Miller on December 26, 2009 at 6:27pm
I Love anything that will make me feel better.
Comment by Rick Grande on December 23, 2009 at 4:22pm
Comment by massagenerd on December 20, 2009 at 1:19pm
Comment by Alfred Ball on December 19, 2009 at 5:51pm

I try to teach my clients self-myofascial release . I keep spreading the word via Clair and Amber as well.

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