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I've been offering several spa body treatments for over a year now. They make up less than 5% of my revenue and I would like to increase that percentage in 2011.  I currently offer two Parafango wraps (one for cellulite, the other for slimming and contouring), a Salt Glow and a Herbal wrap. I have several female clients who have come to me over the last six months and asked for specific inch loss and/or detox wraps.  A couple of them purchased my Parafango treatment, however, since their initial session inch-loss was minimal did not want to purchase a series of the treatments. I'd been looking around for the past several months and saw a post from a member of MBP which mentioned the Set-N-Me-Free (Aloe Vera) Detox/Slimming Wrap which I hadn't heard of. I did further research on it and it seemed like an effective treatment so I purchased it and recently tried it out. I will be offering the wrap and I am hoping it will be a hit with a number of my clients. Before I add a new treatment to my menu I test it out on myself and try it free of charge (or at a deep discount) on a willing client for feedback. In the past I have marketed specific treatments to clients using email marketing as well as print ads in a couple of local newspapers. I have to say I have not recouped marketing costs through the spa treatment sales and now I'm wondering whether I am going about marketing spa treatments the right way.


I'm curious to know the following from those of you out there who have much more experience offering spa treatments


1) What sort of spa treatments do you offer?

2) How do you go about choosing the right treatments?

3) Do you market your treatments to clients and if so how? Specifically do you market to all clients or to a targeted audience, how do you market to them other than word of mouth?

4) How long do you keep a treatment in your list of offerings? I am considering doing a really deep discount on my Parafango wraps just so I can use up my inventory then I won't offer them anymore since they didn't do well over the past year or so.

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Wow!  thats alot of questions!  :) but i hear ya and what you mean. I make body and massage products and i use them on clients etc. All i can say is "the expectation" of the client, of the treatment maybe is too big.., :(

Maybe they are looking for that magic wrap to make them skinny and thats crazy!  Yea this is a tricky one... I am sure more experienced MT's here would be able to giveyou a better answer. I just would make their expectation be NOT so grand. But thats me :) Cellulite wraps etc, rid you of h20 only to fill the cells back up once you drink liquid. Maybe they think it is'nt a "temporary" thing, but a permanent one ...???

good luck with that :)

Thanks for your response Silvana. You're right, I did get a bit carried away with those questions ;-) 

Yes my two clients may have had expectations for the treatment that were far too high. Even though I believe I did set the proper expectations (I informed them prior to the treatment that it was possible they could see between x and y inch reduction with a 'series' of treatments), they were looking for something more.

Ironically, after one session both clients did see inch loss that was greater than x, but it was much lower than y and therein lay the issue. They really wanted to see the higher number which just wasn't possible.  I even put together plans for a series of treatments and stressed the importance of watching diets and following a regular exercise regimen but I think they they were both looking for the nonexistent miracle quick fix that doesn't require any real work.

I have done the Set n me free wraps.

In my experience they do not deliver on the promises.

Body wraps are extremely difficult to "sell".

Of course there will always be the type that will try anything because of their own body image problems - about half the women that I have seen get this type of inch loss or cellulite reduction are SKINNY!

I think that the biggest issue is offering something that you can believe in...something that offers real results not ridiculous and unrealistic promises


I like having body treatments on the menu - scrubs and wraps - but I agree that other services are the ones getting booked instead.  People KNOW what a massage or a facial is.  But the body treatments are a mystery to many people.


Thanks Cindy. I agree body wraps are difficult to sell. I will figure out a way to repackage them so that they are more realistic and don't make promises they can't keep.  I usually make up my own descriptions or borrow from the vendors but If I used the descriptions from the vendors they would definitely over promise.

Cindy Greenwood said:

I have done the Set n me free wraps.

In my experience they do not deliver on the promises.

Body wraps are extremely difficult to "sell".

Of course there will always be the type that will try anything because of their own body image problems - about half the women that I have seen get this type of inch loss or cellulite reduction are SKINNY!

I think that the biggest issue is offering something that you can believe in...something that offers real results not ridiculous and unrealistic promises


I like having body treatments on the menu - scrubs and wraps - but I agree that other services are the ones getting booked instead.  People KNOW what a massage or a facial is.  But the body treatments are a mystery to many people.


I don't know if you have found your answer yet, but I offer a product that is no-mess, no-fuss, all natural, botanical based.  It is just making its way through the US and it is flying off the shelves right now!

It is the Ultimate Body Wrap and you can add it to any service and the clients can buy the product from you and continue to use them at home to see optimal results!

I would love to tell you more about it so if you are still interested, contact me!

Lea Chew


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