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Both Hippocrates and the Greek physician Parmenides are credited for saying, "Give me the power to create a fever and I will cure any illness." Regardless as to who said it first, working up a sweat is great therapy for both mind and body. The benefits of steam baths include:
--Reducing tension
--Relaxation of muscle tissue
--Increasing muscle flexibility
--Increasing circulation
--Stimulation of the immune system
--Revitalizing skin and enhancing skin tone

Although often considered a symptom of illness, fever is actually part of the body's healing system. Steam baths and other hyperthermic therapies induce "artificial fevers". Although artificial fevers aren't as effective as natural fevers, they still benefit a great many bodily processes.

As your temperature rises, your body's natural response is to perspire. As perspiration evaporates, the body cools down again. However, in a steam bath, the increased humidity blocks evaporation. You still sweat and as your pores open, the body purges itself of toxins and other wastes.

Your rising temperature also promotes other types of healing. When your body temperature reaches from 101�-103�F it's a signal to your immune system to swing into action. Secondly, most pathogens that enter the body can't withstand the high temperatures so your elevated body temperature either destroys or weakens them.

Your pulse rate speeds up from 75 beats a minute to up to 150 beats a minute, resulting in increased blood circulation. However, your blood pressure remains stable since the heat also causes blood vessels to expand, making way for increased blood flow. Your bloodstream carries nutrients to your skin that both enhance and revitalize it.

What have been some benefits you have noticed?

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My studies with heat therapy, led me to Dr. Christopher. That led to the "Cold Sheet Treatment". Dr. Christopher used local grown herbs to really heat the water and bring the person to intense levels of internal body heat and then slam them with the ice cold sheets to detox the body. Clients were then wrapped in dry blankets over the wet sheets. The sheets would show the toxins in the morning that had left the body.

Here is a little bit about the issue.
Wow, I think I'd like to try that. I'll have to find someone who's done it before.


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