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Stone Therapy

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Discussion Forum

Stone Sanitation Procedures...fact and fiction! 15 Replies

Started by Jenny Ray. Last reply by Jenny Morefield Dec 3, 2011.

Cold/Cool Stones 6 Replies

Started by Bruce Baltz. Last reply by Shanna Schultz Jan 18, 2011.

Stone Heaters 4 Replies

Started by Bruce Baltz. Last reply by Pia Poulsen ALST Jan 5, 2011.

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Comment by Roberta Bleckner on April 29, 2010 at 6:14am
Jenny Ray,
Thank you for your very informative reply! I'd like to read your info ASAP and also have a kind of hard time navigating this 'thingie." Any shortcuts to guide me to your postings?
Comment by Jenny Ray on April 28, 2010 at 6:56pm
Dear Roberta,
I am sorry to be so clumsy on this 'group', face-book your note is below for those who may wish to see what this reply is about.....
The only 'authority' who has done any valid research on sanitation and safety is the Geothermal Therapy Association (GTA).... It is made up of practitioners from around the world in many expressions and modalities of stone therapy. They have no ax to grind, no specific courses to sell...they are honestly working in research for the highest standards in safety with regard to temperature, contraindications, sanitation and hygiene.
All guidelines have been researched through the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) the National Burn Institute and a variety of other professional groups and associations....
If you follow the guidelines stated in other postings by me on have the information GTA is interested in sharing.
They are nearly prepared to make everything available to the world through a CE home study course on sanitation, hygiene, temperature controls and safety, contraindications for temperatures ...the Handbook is at the editors as we speak and the written exam is completed. This is on its way to NCBTMB for accreditation...
Once the CE's are in place this information will be available for download on the web site...I'll keep this group posted. We should all take this course and then join this association to support on going research to help protect our modality...

A message from Roberta Bleckner to all members of Stone Therapy on massage and bodywork professionals!

I'm tired of hearing everyone's different method to sanitize basalt stones. Is there definitive research on the absolute correct protocol? I have an Infectious Disease doctor who believes the risk of cross contamination is real since the stones are porous and remain wet inside for nearly forever which can retain an active virus, bacteria, fungus, etc. Please advise!
Roberta Bleckner (new member still navigating!)
Comment by Bruce Baltz on April 28, 2010 at 9:09am
Looking for a high end stone heaters any thoughts?
Comment by Bruce Baltz on April 20, 2010 at 8:41pm
Well put Jenny ; I think cool/cold temperatures are the most important temps we use in helping the body heal. We can create heat with our hands but not cold. Hydro Therapy is one of the most powerful healing modalities we have and one of the most misunderstood. We need to increase our knowledge which enables us to educate our clients. I would highly suggest looking into Kneipp therapy, Europe and Asia are way ahead of us.
Comment by rudy m smith on April 20, 2010 at 12:44pm
I am in complete agreement - throw them out into the ocean and gather fresh ones.
Comment by Jenny Ray on February 7, 2010 at 3:03pm
If you are not using cold stones you are missing a huge option for your clients...they feel awful in the hands of the un-skilled so you need to get a good education, but once you learn how to work with these healers, you will never know how you managed without them...As much as I love working with marble and jade for my cold stone work is not necessary at all... I spent over 20 years using cold basalt...they freeze fine (temp even lasts longer than marble as it acts more like jade)
In ancient times the stones were taken from the ocean or river waters for cold therapy while the sun baked hot ones from the beach offered heat. This new addition of cut marble and jade is a lovely professional addition that I would not trade in my teaching profession...but don't let cost hold you up on using cold...just chill your basalt and try it...always remember the trick with cold application is deep, firm pressure with no movement ..have fun all you Stone Walkers!
Jenny Ray
Comment by Roger D. Werstler on February 7, 2010 at 12:41pm
I've been doing hot stone therapy for five years now. While my clients love them, I admit that I'm still growing into them and always learning. I have educated my maternity massage clients about "mother roasting" performed in China for post-maternity therapy. A few are looking forward to this following the deliver in the coming weeks. I'm also studying Sabai Thai Herbal Ball treatment from my therapist from Thailand. It has the heat therapy of hot stones plus the aromatherapy from the herbal samples in the muslim balls. It is very relaxing and restorative. I admit not trying the cold stone treatments because of the added expenses and lack of first hand experience.
Comment by Deborah E-Platt on February 7, 2010 at 12:34pm
Another option is going to Ebay! That's where I got the bulk of my stones. Some of the others which I use for laying on top of the body (over a blanket & covered by towels to retain their heat) came from the banks of the Delaware River, next to where I live & have my practice.
Comment by Steve - Maryland L.M.T. on February 7, 2010 at 10:13am
As I mentioned in one of the discussions in this group, you can get basalt stones cheap if you buy them from a landscaping supplier. They are called "Mexican River Pebbles". I got mine in bulk for only $30 for a 70 lb. bag (a little over 5 gallons), but I've seen smaller amounts available. The advantage of buying in bulk, other than the price, is that you can pick out the stones that best fit your hand rather than having someone else pick them out for you.

Grab your phone book and call around to see what's available.
Comment by Bruce Baltz on February 7, 2010 at 10:03am

You will find many stone set on my site as well You want to make sure you get the proper set for the type of massage you want to provide. I believe cool stones are the most impotent temp we work with. Is cool stones part of your sessions? Wishing you all the best in your stone journey.

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