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Stone Therapy

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Stone Sanitation Procedures...fact and fiction! 15 Replies

Started by Jenny Ray. Last reply by Jenny Morefield Dec 3, 2011.

Cold/Cool Stones 6 Replies

Started by Bruce Baltz. Last reply by Shanna Schultz Jan 18, 2011.

Stone Heaters 4 Replies

Started by Bruce Baltz. Last reply by Pia Poulsen ALST Jan 5, 2011.

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Comment by Mary Ellen Derwis-Balaz on October 28, 2009 at 10:15am
it takes 30-45 seconds ( so to be absolutely sure place stones in hot water for at least a minute) for a basalt stone to attain the heat of the water. The stone will retain the heat depending of the application and the clients response to the heat therapy. As faar as buying specific stones. black smooth stones hold the heat better than red or green basalt. but you can experiement.
Comment by noreen zakrajsek on October 24, 2009 at 10:28am
so would you suggest that I buy stones that are advertised for doing hot stone massage?
Comment by Bruce Baltz on October 23, 2009 at 6:48am
As far as I know Basalt or Lava stones hold heat the best. No one should ever work with a stone of 120 degrees F; if the stone is being directly placed on the skin you will for sure burn your client or yourself. The water temperature should be 120 degrees F or higher, this will kill most of the bacteria in the water. That is the reason why you must keep a bowl of cool water at your station; this is how I control the temperature of the stones for my clients. I start of with warm stones and as my client gets used to the change of temperature, I can work with warmer stones and stay within their heat and pressure tolerance. I do not do hot/warm stone massage without cool stones although I will use cool alone. All stones will hold heat and if left in the water long enough will become the temperature of the water. The question is how long will they stay hot and how long does it take for them to get hot?
Comment by rudy m smith on October 22, 2009 at 3:55pm
If the stones from lake michigan are the same ones I remember from high school days they may transfer heat TOO fast and burn your clients. 120 degrees f metal will burn someone very fast, 120 degrees f wood - not so fast. Generaly the more pourous and less reflective a material the less danger of burning someone. The reason we can walk across burning coal is because wood is a poor conductor of heat.
Comment by noreen zakrajsek on October 22, 2009 at 2:09pm
I have some wonderful special stones that I picked up off the shores of Lake Michigan on the morning of September,2001. They came from such a beautiful area up in northern Mi. because of the history of them,I strongly feel that they are sacred.
But I do often wonder about possibly they do not hold the heat as long as some others may. I don't know for sure because this is all I have ever used.
They look like Basalt stones,But I am not sure.They are smooth and black.
Can someone tell me, do I need to look into different stones? Do I need to purchase them? That would be a big bummer,being that I live so close to the Great Lakes!
I definitely would appreciate ones that hold the warmth longer. I heat my stones up in a large roaster. THis was how I was taught.
For treatments unplanned, I will sometime just place them in a bowl to heat up in the microwave, for a short treatment of pleasure for my clients that are speical.

Thanks for your insight.
Comment by rudy m smith on October 21, 2009 at 1:19pm
No contraindication unless inflamation and swelling are present. never apply heat to swollen of inflamed tissues. The result will be compartmentalization of the intersticial fluids the body thinks has damaged cells. Like a burn.
Comment by Nyema Tolese Randall on October 21, 2009 at 10:29am
I meant to say is hot stone contraindiction with some one who has scoliosis?
Comment by Nyema Tolese Randall on October 20, 2009 at 11:46pm
is hot stone contraindication in hot stone ?
Comment by rudy m smith on October 15, 2009 at 7:32am
As far as presenting ice as a therapy - I make it protocol - if they want me to help them then they need to be compliant and be willing to try new things. Oh they fuss but after a week of trying the ice - they never go back.
Comment by rudy m smith on October 15, 2009 at 7:30am
Ice acts as a vasoconstictor for about 15 minutes then the body reverses the process and it becomes a vasodialator. After 25 minutes you should take an hour off the ice. and if you wish try moist heat for 10 minutes after the ice. I do believe stones have the capacity to absorb (bad juju) (stuff) how's that for non scientific lingo. I like nothing better than laying on a big stone by some stream that has been warmed by the sun!! Yum.

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