AMTA-VT Massage Legislative Update

Vermont Office of Professional RegulationRules Against State Regulation
massage therapy in Vermont. Your passion and voices have been a
tremendous support as we approached the state with a request to consider
regulation for our profession. Unfortunately, the state did not see
the need to protect the public through licensing.
"The Office of Professional Regulation recommends that
Massage Therapists not be subject to professional regulation in the
State of Vermont."
The following are the reasons OPR cited for not recommending state regulation for massage therapy:
- The applicants have not demonstrated that the unregulated
practice of massage therapy can clearly harm or endanger the health,
safety, or welfare of the public. The potential for harm is remote and
speculative. - There has been no showing that the public requires a State
approved assurance of initial and continuing professional ability.
Professional training and certification programs meet this need and are
advertised by massage therapists. - The best regulator of this profession remains the
marketplace. In the rare instance where harm may occur, the public is
sufficiently protected through existing common law and civil remedies.
Where someone posing as a massage therapist violates criminal laws,
those laws effectively protect the public. - No stronger civil remedies have been required, tried, or found to be insufficient.
continue to believe that state regulation of massage therapy is an
important step in protecting the public and enhancing our profession.
Thank you again for your support!