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Wholistic Health in Hospitals and Hospice


Wholistic Health in Hospitals and Hospice

Intgrated medicine in hospitals and hospice settings as in patients or out clients

Location: Rockford, IL area
Members: 95
Latest Activity: Jan 7, 2015

Discussion Forum

Guidelines for MRSA? 4 Replies

Started by Katharine Koeppen. Last reply by Katharine Koeppen Jan 24, 2011.

New member

Started by Julia Morrow Mar 31, 2010.

Integrating holistic services with traditional services 4 Replies

Started by Sue Heldenbrand. Last reply by Sue Heldenbrand Mar 22, 2010.

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Comment by Nyema Tolese Randall on October 16, 2009 at 2:07pm
is it good to do massage on cancer patients?
Comment by Barbara Coughlin-Martin on October 16, 2009 at 6:24am
Thank you all very much for your responses. We all know how much patients are helped by manual and energy field interventions, but it's difficult to impress cost-conscious healthcare administrators of the value without some real world evidence to back the argument.
Comment by Bruce Cote on October 14, 2009 at 4:57pm
Regarding models for Reiki in hospitals, Portsmouth Hospital in Portsmouth NH has offered Reiki for a number of years. At one point I believe they employed a full-time Reiki practitioner.
Comment by Sandra Kay Farnham on October 14, 2009 at 2:23pm
Barb, If you can volunteer for a Hospice around you. It is a great way to get your feet in the door and I learned more about life than I could have ever imagined by going through their training program.
Comment by Lisa Mertz on October 14, 2009 at 6:57am
You're welcome, Barbara,
trying contacting:
JD Elder, L.M.T.
Massage Program Coordinator
Tel: (212) 241-0914
Comment by Barbara Coughlin-Martin on October 14, 2009 at 6:49am
Thanks very much, Lisa.
Comment by Lisa Mertz on October 14, 2009 at 6:43am
Barbara, I believe the Palliative Care team at Mt. Sinai hospital might be a useful model for you.
Comment by Barbara Coughlin-Martin on October 14, 2009 at 6:39am
I was recently asked to do a fee for service Reiki consult for an inpatient with metastasized cancer who had painful muscle spasms which had not been helped by medication. Fortunately, what I did was useful and offered some relief, but I began wondering.. Are there models for hospital or hospice palliative care teams that include CAM therapists that anyone is aware of?
Comment by Sandra Kay Farnham on October 13, 2009 at 6:19pm

I have information on the clients I am seeing for Tinnitus. Thank you for helping us. Any suggestions are welcome.
Male early 60's has had this as far as he can remember. He had scarlet fever as a child. Has had open heart surgery. Can not take the daily aspirin the doctor prescribes because it makes it worse. Coffee makes it worse. His sinuses are bad. The pitch is medium and goes up and down. Sounds like mosquitoes buzzing. When he places his palms on his ears and applies pressure the noise gets better. Pulses SJ/P no pulse, ST/SP both forceful, big, slow, LI/LU no pulse. B/K no pulse, GB/LV and SI/H all slow and hard. Tongue narrow pointed thick red cracks on both sides about 1/4 inch in from the edge. He is heavy set, short; his head did sit on his shoulders. I am making progress using the Jin Shin Do (R) neck release. His neck is about 2 inches off the shoulders now after 3 sessions. I have been using Yang Bridge Vessel release points for most of the sessions with LU, LV, and K source points. GB points around the head. One time when I was on the jaw point he said there was a difference in the pitch but it went back right away.

Second client female mid 40's. Tall thin body, neck and back muscles were hard as rock when I started. Head tilted slightly to the right. High pitched sounds like crickets. Tongue round, thick, red, SJ/P, ST/SP, LI/LU, B/K all even, thin, strong, normal pace, GB/LV harder and larger, SI/H both less in strength. Tongue round cracked down middle, moist, red, thick, Pressure to ears improves condition. Jin Shin Do (R) neck release with Yang Bridge Vessel for most of the session. With H, LU and SI points. LV2 . Her body twitches from left to right when some of the points release. Sometimes it is just the head and sometimes it is the whole body. She feels her left ear is getting better.
Thank you,
Comment by Lindsey Ardoin Kuntz on October 5, 2009 at 7:14am
Thank you for the information, I am going to check out your website and I am a student member of the AHNA. In fact I am thinking of starting a chapter here for my school.

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