massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners


A lot of folks have been asking why I think The World Massage Festival is the best massage convention in the U.S.


So I created this chart. You get so much more for about one third the price of other conventions. It doesn't give all the reasons, but starts the conversation. Why is Festival special to you?



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Just the savings in Lodging is good enough for me. Others have their conventions at a big name hotel that costs over $100.00 a night. Plus, they charge a registration fee just to walk in the door. Then they charge another CEU fee on top of the lodging and registration fees, plus meals, and the list goes on and on. World Massage Festival charges one price for all CEU's, Lodging, Meals etc, included. There are no hidden fees with the World Massage Festival. The Intrusctors are the best in the business, goodie bags filled to over flowing that they have to have 2 goodie bags for each therapist. Wonderful Vendors, and the list goes on and on like the chart says. If you have not experienced the World Massage Festival you are missing the Best Convention Tradshow in the World.


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