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What are the benefits of orthoflexology for a breast cancer client?

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I remember an 80 year old client who had her right breast removed, she was presenting right shoulder and chest discomfort for a number of months. I proceed to work on her right shoulder reflex which is located in-between the 4th and 5th metatarsal at the base of the toes, I worked this reflex for a sum total of 4 hours at different times, roughly 1/2 hour 2 times a week for 8 weeks. The result? Complete relief from all discomfort.

Most clients presenting with breast cancer will benefit from reduced pain levels, reduction in edema, and calming of the nervous system. We may assist their quality of life, however at this time, I dont believe we can cure them. It would be important to keep in close communication with their doctor as we would not want accelerate their condition in a negative way.
Hi there!
My client is 50 yrs young, was recently diagnosed, and choose to treat her breast cancer with Naturopathy and Reflexology. So far, we've done 9 sessions of reflexology, and is experiencing reduction in edema in the affected breast and lymph nodes near by; pain relieve, as well as a steady lymph drainage.

I totally agree with you that one should always work closely and with the permission of the client's medical practitioner. Our work will aid the patient's immunological system and improve their general energy levels, giving them deep relaxation, thus improving their whole emotional outlook.

Once again, thank you for sharing.

Best regards


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