Nickie Scott


Ojai, CA

United States

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Which modalities do you practice?
Swedish Massage, Integrative Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Reflexology, Hot Stone, Sports Massage, Pre-natal Pregnancy Massage, Myofascial Release, Chair Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Shiatsu, Trigger Point Therapy, Acupressure, Lymph Drainage, Aromatherapy, Thai/Thai Yoga Massage, Medical Massage, Energy Work

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  • Nickie Scott

    Great site. Keep me posted. The Filipino culture has a long history of amazing healers. I would love to go there sometime and visit some of the healers.
  • Martina Haupt-Beecher

    Hello Nick, yes, thank you for the invite. Sure is interesting. School is very quiet and boring these days. No students on campus and I am definitely no thinker who can sit on her desk the whole day. But only 3 more weeks and we start again. I gave the president of our student holistic club your email address. She might contact you, if she hasn't done it yet.
    Next Friday I will go to Fort Collins, Colorado to start my Certificate in K9 Physical Therapy. I am very excited, was that always what I wanted to do. But it is still a long way to go (and quite some money, too).
    Congrats on your video. It came out great and it is very informative. I just watched it the other day.
    Hope everything is going well with you and school. Would come visit more often, if I could find a cheaper way to stay a night. Motel is way too expensive. I don't need luxury when I jus spent a night somewhere.
    Take care
  • Martina Haupt-Beecher

    I will be happy to do so, but give me some time. I got the book you are talking about for the upcoming course and it seems very good. Unfortunately there is not too many serious literature about physical therapy out there. I can send you a list of the things I collected so far. (I was going to do that for my course mates in 2 weeks anyway) They are sitting in my shelf, but haven't been read yet. I hope I will study more and stay focused when I started the course. School is very helpful with the whole thing, they support me. So I will use the opportunity and make the best out of it.