massage and bodywork professionals

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Andrew Scheim
  • Male
  • Albuquerque, NM
  • United States

Andrew Scheim's Page

Profile Information

What is your website?
In what year did you enter the profession?
Which modalities do you practice?
Swedish Massage, Integrative Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Reflexology, Hot Stone, Craniosacral Therapy, Sports Massage, Reiki, Abdominal Massage, Myofascial Release, Therapeutic Massage, Shiatsu, Trigger Point Therapy, Acupressure, Aromatherapy, Energy Work, Rolfing, Chakra Balancing

Andrew Scheim's Blog

Relationship between data, meridians and fascia

Why is rapid release such an effective tool for acupuncture? What is the connection between the meridians, connective tissue and data? First let’s take a look at the micro level of a meridian point. What is driving the meridian point and what is it’s dynamic? We need a working model of mind-body connection. The sub conscious data of the mind when not cleared is reflected through energy vortexes, meridian points. These vortexes are mirrors to the minds struggle to find resolution. The key here… Continue

Posted on May 15, 2014 at 12:21am

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At 3:32am on May 15, 2014, Gordon J. Wallis said…

Meridians and muscle chains are one in the same. Meridians are an old way to explain muscle chains.  At one point in time you could easily argue that the sun revolved around the earth... but in reality, tis the other way around.  Yet with the incorect information before the truth was known.. you could still go about your day and plant your crops.   Muscle chains and groups, are meridians.. its not energy flowing through the body.   Muscle function in groups.  

At 3:27am on May 15, 2014, Gordon J. Wallis said…

I can answer your question... but I dont know how?   Im typing here.. but I dont know if you see this?


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