massage and bodywork professionals
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Looking for therapist to fill contract position at Living Well Spa. Starts at 60/40 with split increasing after 3months. We will be running a group discount soon and are looking for therapists…Continue
Started Jun 13, 2012
Looking for therapist to fill contract position at Living Well Spa. Starts at 60/40 with split increasing after 3months. We will be running a group discount soon and are looking for therapists interested in building their client base. We are located near I25 and Colorado Blvd at 1660 South Albion St. Ste 309, Denver 80222. If interested please contact.…
ContinuePosted on June 13, 2012 at 3:20pm
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Would you please participate in the massage survey? Thanks!
Please help me compile this information. I'd like more than a 1,000 if possible. Sure it is!
Your participation is MOST appreciated.
Remember you do not have to answer all the questions and Page 2 is "optional". Page two is for those employed only, NOT Self Employed!The survey company automatically includes Page 2 and I was unable to edit or delete. SO it IS OPTIONAL!
Pass it on to your colleagues too.
The intention is to publish this research to assist
Future LMT's, educators, employers and anyone else interested in the statistics of the massage industry!
I want to give you a voice to share your thoughts and experiences.
The Survey will end November 29, 2009