massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

January 2010 Blog Posts (51)

Massage Schools Behaving Badly

I’ve been a student in massage school, an administrator and instructor of a massage school, a state board member serving on the committee that approves massage schools, and a continuing ed provider that visits many schools, and I have seen more than a few things that disturb me.

I’d have to say the worst of these are schools who are so misleading to students; the owners “sell” their school to prospects by promising them they’re going to be making X amount of money the minute they… Continue

Added by Laura Allen on January 12, 2010 at 5:55am — 2 Comments

Massage Professionals and Career Length - Getting to the root of the problem

This next month I will celebrate another year as a massage therapist. I have made it well past the 3-6 year average career length. Looking back at my class photo, I tend to question why there are so few still practicing - Less than 25%. How many of your classmates are still practicing? Why do you think you, and so few of your classmates are still practicing massage professionals?

So, my question this week is, Why do so many move on from the profession?

Is it-

Burn out… Continue

Added by Ivy Hultquist on January 11, 2010 at 1:00pm — 13 Comments


I'm in my new office...sometimes I need a female therapist to help.If you need some part time work give me a call.
Shane Steffins
Relax Massage,Dawsonville,GA

Added by Shane Steffins on January 10, 2010 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Massage Therapy Instructor course

I am the instructor for the 30-hour MTI course required by the state of Texas with emphasis on Adult Learning.

I am interested in creating a network to promote this course and my business.

Added by Norma Vela on January 10, 2010 at 12:48pm — No Comments

The American Dream Is Alive and Well, In Shaklee! Come on January 9, 2010, to learn how you can participate in the biggest growth trends in the market today to achieve “The American Dream 2.0.” In S…

The American Dream Is Alive and Well, In Shaklee!

Come on January 9, 2010, to learn how you can participate in the biggest growth trends in the market today to achieve “The American Dream 2.0.” In Shaklee, the American Dream is alive and thriving, and there’s a clear path to achieving it.

· Hear about the latest development in healthy, natural, energizing Shaklee products!

· PLUS hear from people who are doing it – improving their lives, making the planet healthier, earning… Continue

Added by Amira Abdelkader on January 7, 2010 at 11:24pm — No Comments

The Financial Health of Our Organizations: The NCBTMB

Were it not for the fact that I have already posted a blog titled Financial Shock and Awe at the NCBTMB, I could certainly have used that for this one. The subject matter is the same: the Form 990 filing of the NCB, except this one is for the latest return, from the fiscal year 2008. The previous posting was about the 2007 form.

Here are the cold hard facts: Revenues were down by over a million dollars, while expenses were up almost that much. The NCB is showing almost $2 million in… Continue

Added by Laura Allen on January 7, 2010 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments

Palmier & Alvarado Depart NCBTMB

In a press release issued earlier today, Angela Palmier and Christopher Alvarado have announced that they have brought an end to their role as Industry Relations Specialists for the NCBTMB after just five months on the job.

Palmier and Alvarado are partners and the principals of Resource ETC LLC, a company which provides consulting, education, and training services for not-for-profit, health care, and educational institutions. Both have a long record of experience as educators in the… Continue

Added by Laura Allen on January 6, 2010 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

Common Ground Wellness Center (CGWC) is seeking motivated practitioners to join our community!

The available rooms for rent are in a beautiful historic house in NE Portland, conveniently located in the Kerns Neighborhood and close to the quaint and bustling Laurelhurst neighborhood. CGWC practitioners are dedicated to improving the health and wellness of our community and providing high quality, diverse healing modalities to the public.

Potential practitioners will have experience practicing their primary modality and ideally have a well-established clientele. Marketing and… Continue

Added by Bob New on January 6, 2010 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Bodywork and Movement Inter-relationship

Andy Oriel, a friend, colleague, and student, says that while Bodywork is enjoyable and helpful, for people to really heal, they must be taught to move. I couldn't agree more. Sometimes when we move we re-aggravate chronic conditions, and a helpful touch can shift a pattern, but to continue on that healing path, we need to explore our movement patterns and find more efficiency, more resilience, more pleasure in our movement. Teachers are valuable, particularly teachers that invite us to… Continue

Added by Clyde Rae Jolie-Ashe on January 6, 2010 at 10:37am — No Comments

Expect More, with Les - January 5, 2010

Moving Forward, Looking Back - New year, new decade.

Added by Les Sweeney on January 6, 2010 at 10:26am — No Comments

Website Coming Soon

Hi all here at Massage and Bodyworks Professionals, thanks for making me feel welcome to the group! I am working on a comprehensive website that will assist students and therapists with the anatomy and physiology needed to be successful in the classroom and in practice. The site,, will provide the OIA for over 100 muscles, as well as a photo of the attachment site and a picture of the muscle, all color coded in blue… Continue

Added by William Fee on January 5, 2010 at 1:30pm — No Comments

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