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Using hot stone heater to drily heat Himalayan salt?

I've been using my Spa Pro Professional Stone Warmer, 6 quarts, for over a year to do water-based hot-stone massage. I just purchased some Himalayan salt stones and wonder something: The first thing the stone heater instructions said was that after purchase one was to have it on high heat for a while, empty and dry, to basically b urn away any chemicals left on it from manufacture and shipping. This shows that the electrical apparatus can work dry. So, is there a safe way to arrange Himalayan salt rocks in the empty heater bason and turn the heater on, probably on low or something, and warm Himalayan salt stones. I'd really rather not spend the $100 on a fancy lamp that I don't have room or funding for in my office. I'm totally blind and prefer everything where I can always get at it quickly right nearby. Too many appliances just takes up more space. I'vé been using a heating pad, but it puts out a moist heat, so I have to keep the salt stones in a ziplock bag during use. Is the floor of the hot stone heater bason safe enough as a metal to lay the salt rocks on. I wouldn't put a towel under them as that would absorb into the salt and also be a potential fire hazard. Or, should I consider some sort of pie plate or something? Or would I consider setting up a bed of basalt stones up against the heater bason floor and stack salt stones on top those? that, of course, means more washing afterward. You could post here or e-mail me directly (faster) at

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Comment by Elizabeth Kirkland on February 25, 2014 at 10:38am

try using electric mitts (warm gloves used in manicures and facials) for heat, clean and no moisture

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