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What is it?

"Change involves carrying out an activity against the habit of a lifetime." FMA

The Alexander Technique is an educational process developed from the discoveries of FM Alexander (1869-1955). In individual sessions or small groups, students become aware of how it moves and responds in the everyday life and learn to apply the principles to help you improve your performance.

From birth, humans begin to explore the complex and wondrous mechanisms coordinating mind and body. We all learned to use us to ourselves, to coordinate what we do, our intentions and desires and their expression and realization.

As adults we rarely think or pay attention to how we do things, once learned something, her neuromotor pattern becomes automatic, unconscious habits thus, inappropriate responses that are stereotyped, adaptation strategies, or management of trauma, compensation etc. , is straining our programming are interfering with our ability to respond adequately to the reality, and so are the basis of our symptoms, malfunction, chronic pain, tension and stiffness, joint limitations, learning difficulties, stress and disability to change unwanted physical and emotional behavior.

Mental health, fitness and creativity require coordination of our body conscious mind in everything we do.

The Alexander Technique offers a practical knowledge of the principles governing human coordination. Through practice we will be able to redirect it into useful energy exertion. We learn to transform stress into attention, fatigue into vitality. Reclaiming support our own structure can once again feel the pleasure of movimiento.La Alexander Technique teaches us how to be alert and relaxed, soft and strong, strong and lightweight, flexible and resilient, balanced, awake.

"FMA created what may be called a living organism physiology.
J. Dewey. Philosopher of education

In Alexander Technique lessons we learn to identify and eliminate bad habits of coordination, inappropriate emotional responses and interference with neuromotor mechanisms that cause specific injuries or pain in general, reduce the effort in everyday tasks learn to develop greater self-awareness psychophysics, a calm mind, without effort, to respond without anticipation or anxiety and improving the innate physical intelligence. The result is an experience of lightness, increased energy, comfort, expressiveness and welfare.

The student learns consciously tools to improve their overall functioning in all activities throughout their lives. Through verbal instruction and hands guide the person realizes their psychophysical reactions and the impact on its overall coordination.
Students learn to:
* Self Perception reliable: we generally do things the way we do because our self-perception has deteriorated so much by the misuse that no longer can use to organize: do not tell us or do not receive the information, and in the absence of information the system malfunctions .
* Inhibit: Cesar, stop erroneous response patterns that are causing the pain or injury, and interference and blockages in the expression.
* Direct: a way to handle the mental focus that leads to more efficient coordination.

Inhibition: break preparing action
Provides time to think about how best to carry out the necessary action.
Avoid excessive muscle tension in the response.
It allows natural reflexes are coordinated so that the body is balanced with ease.
Lets be aware of what is done while doing so we can identify and modify habits.
It gives us the opportunity to say no to automatic responses that produce stress.
Allow "thinking in action" and thereby respecting the integrity of the body during activity.
Allows you to redirect the energy and bring in more constructive channels.
Saving energy in carrying out activities with minimal effort.
Increases accuracy, errors go down., Saves time.
Preserve the health and longevity to prevent damage by the misuse of physical structures.
Allows a deep breath, calm physical, mental alertness and calm.
Feel more control over their own lives.
Allows a practical exercise of individual freedom to make decisions other than compulsive habits, loosens the strength of our automated response mechanisms, both physically, and emotionally and mentally.

The Alexander Technique is taught individually or in small groups, and lessons are structured around three themes:
Vertical: any activity is used as a context to observe and improve the operation of primary control (dynamic relationship of the head with the rest of the body) as the organizing principle of antigravity reflexes and overall coordination.
Horizontal: Here we learn to deepen the inhibition and direction.
Application: The teacher guides with their hands and oral instructions to develop simple activities: sit, stand, crawl, crawl, roll, computer typing, playing an instrument, hitting a golf ball and so on.

Sensory intelligence: through the proprioceptive sense know:

* Where we are: location and orientation in space.
* The strain or effort performed: TONE.
* How we operate: COORDINATION.
* How we feel: emotion.
* Who we are: IDENTITY.

As proprioception or self-perception deepens begin to awaken to more dimensions of reality, to be more alive.
If we perceive ourselves in relation to the environment,
we know how to do
what we do
as we do

Sensory awareness is a window, that if we opened it, we can look in two directions: toward ourselves and outward to the world.

"If we were to wipe the doors of perception, all things appear as we are, infinite." William Blake

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What is the Alexander Technique

"I can tell what mental commands to give, but can not tell you to do." FMA

The Alexander Technique is not medicine, or complementary or alternative. There are physical exercises. There is a treatment or therapy. It's an educational process. When the issue is sensory-motor amnesia, sensory motor nervous system malfunctions, and what we need is education, not surgery or inflammatory.
The Alexander Technique is a mind-body discipline: by being aware of how you move, you can see the impact of thinking patterns and modify the movement.

"People think they can change and to continue doing things the same way." FMA

It's thinking, who will produce change in tissues and in the movement.

F.M.A. demonstrated the functional unit bodymind. The mind impacts the physical totality, and the use of the physical body affects the functioning of the mind. We are an interconnected whole, not a compendium of separate parts. Alexander Technique work on the mechanisms that coordinate body and mind.
There are many methods and therapies that target only part of the whole, or the physical dimension of the person, their tissues, organs, bones, or the mental or emotional. In Alexander Technique learn to identify common physical reactions in relation to everyday stimuli are always mediated by some kind of mental or emotional activity more or less unconscious.
Alexander Technique teachers use their hands very differently in the body techniques (massage, osteopathy, chiropractic, etc.).. In Alexander Technique hands are not handled or treated tissues but converging information about the own use or guide the student towards a more coordinated and better functioning.
The Alexander Technique teacher is not a patient person, but educate a whole person who undertakes to actively focus on the means that enable you to produce changes that will restore health, mobility, or balance.

"When we think is right is wrong, the more we try to do the right thing more we were wrong." FMA

Thus, the Alexander Technique does not fall within the current rating categories. It is a form of self-awareness in that improvements in health (often spectacular) occur indirectly (health recovery because I stop doing what hurts me), any improvement in the bodymind as a result of better use.

"There are the correct positions. There are the right directions. "F.M.A.

Alexander Technique teachers are given a very rigorous training of 3 or 4 years depending on schools, one of the most complex learning potential.

Principles of the Alexander Technique

The body does not function as a set of separate entities. It is a unity in which each part affects the whole.

The mind, body and emotions are inseparable, and as such have a reciprocal effect.

The way we use invariably affect the different functions of bodymind.

The misuse is usually unconscious and has a large inertia because it is habitual.

The same stimulus always produces the same reaction and becomes a habit that seems natural and normal but is actually causing damage to our health.

Most people suffer from a faulty self-perception, though the organization does not perceive and body movements and their degree of tension.

A targeted approach to achieving our objectives without considering the means to achieve change is impossible.

The Alexander Technique is a process of re-education of the whole person.

The Alexander Technique is a process of unlearning the habits of physical, mental and emotional to replace then with actions, thoughts and feelings conscious.

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