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Burn Scar Massage Therapy CEU Class Handle with Care Massage invites you to attend a new and exciting way to obtain your CEU’s. Earn 8 hours of specialized continuing education units in Burn Scar Ma…

Burn Scar Massage Therapy CEU Class

Handle with Care Massage invites you to attend a new and exciting way to obtain your CEU’s. Earn 8 hours of specialized continuing education units in Burn Scar Massage Therapy.
Burn Scar Massage Therapy is a hands on experience with actual burn survivors. Be inspired while learning a new modality that will benefit those you “touch.” Learn not only to have confidence in your ability to work in a more medical based massage but also heighten your compassion for those that society may deem untouchable.
Burn Scar Massage Therapy is taught by Jen Hartley, a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist and a burn survivor herself. Jen has been a burn survivor for over 36 years and is one of only two instructors in the country that teach this modality. Jen was scalded by hot water at 15 months old and has third degree burns over the lower 56% of her body.
Burn Scar Massage Therapy Executive Director is Chris Hallwas who is also a survivor of minor burns and knows the effects that they have not only on the body but also on the spirit of a burn survivor.
Burn Scar Massage Therapy offer s the following learning criteria: Learn to identify varying degrees of burns and the body systems they affect. Learn various psychological and emotional issues faced by burn survivors that can potentially lead to an “emotional release” during massage. Learn the positive indications as well as the negative contraindications posed by massaging burn survivors. Learn the proper burn scar massage protocol to treat the various degrees of burns in the different stages of recovery.

Cost: $200.00 for 8 specialized CEU’s
Date: September 26, 2009
Time: 9:00am-6:00pm
Place: Mosaic UMC-478 Columbia Industrial Blvd, Evans, GA 30809
Contact: Jen Hartley @
or call 706-831-2889
Payment options available

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Comment by Mike Hinkle on September 4, 2009 at 10:48am
Thank you for what you do, Jennifer.

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