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Centering and The Healing Power of Touch

Remember to focus on the healing power of touch and its importance in your life and in the lives of those you touch.

One touch can soothe, comfort and convey caring in a way words never can. Touching has the power to heal, connect us, and ease pain. It also lessens anxiety and softens the blows of life. The simple act of touching is so powerful that it can slow your heart rate, decrease your blood pressure, and strengthen your immune system.

Prior to touching, focus your attention by centering yourself. Centering brings mindfulness to your life. When you are centered, you can dwell totally in the present moment by releasing thoughts of the past as well as releasing projections into the future. Centering involves conscious breathing, focusing and mindfulness. One way to stay centered in the present is to avoid slipping into repetitive, habitual movements. By treating each individual as a new landscape to explore, it is possible to dwell in the present moment and move into a continuous creative flow.

Allow the healing energy to flow from a centered place in your heart. Breathe deeply and fully, relax and let the energy flow. Release your attachment to the outcome. The healing power of touch has an intelligence of its own and it will go where it is most needed, restoring balance and flow on every level.

Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, NCTMB, Ariana Institute, Austin, Texas

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