massage and bodywork professionals
a community of practitioners
Children Cases
1.Abdominal cyst
2.Granulation at throat
3.Parotid tumour
4.Congenital wryneck
5.Disability of neck movemont
7.Tympanitis combined with mastoiditis
8.Inflammation around tooth
9.Festering tonsil
13.Effusing eczema
14.Irritability purpura
19.Acutes diarrhea
21.Urinary obstruction
23.Congenital Incontinence of urine
24.Cerebral palsy
26.Weakness of neck and waist
27.Crying at night
30.Rubella combined with myocarditis
31.Chicken pox
33.Flying with the owl
34.Impediment, hyperactivity, night sweat, anorexia
35.Indirect hernia
36.Enuresis, cough, vomitting and diarrhea
37.Cerebral palsy, strabismus, muscle atrophy
38.Diarrhea, rectocele after operation
39.Difficulty in emiction and passing stool after operation for protruding
of back wall of urethra, vomitting, abdominal swelling
41.Tympanitis, fever, cough, vomit
1.Abdominal cyst
Name: Ma xx
Date: 1998-08-21
The 1-month-old female presented with a history of frequent vomit, abdominal distension and fever of 2 days. At her mother's 32nd week of gestation, the Ultrasonic B had already showed a cyst existing in the fetus's abdomen. At 1 month of age, she was taken to The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chinese Medcial University because of the symptoms mentioned above. The MRI scan showed a cyst(4.9cm x 4.8cm x 4.8cm) in her lower right flank which led to the ileus. Her amilies didn't want the infant to take an operation, so they brought her to take Tuina massage. After inquiring we learned that her mother had taken a lot of watermelon in pregnancy. In Traditional Chinese Medcine(TCM), watermelon can clear away the heat of body and taking too much watermelon will damage the yang of spleen and kidney which will lead to the retention of fluid dampness. So became the cyst. We need to warm the kidney and invigorate the spleen, promote the flow of qi and activate yang. We seleced Prescription No.102. After 1 day of tuina massage, her hands and feet turned from cool to warm,the vomiting and distension mended, and she took more milk and didn't cry so much. The second noon she passed a lot of stool and her abdominal distension was gone. Then we performed Prescription No.90. One week later the cyst became softer than before. And forty days later, the ultrasonic scan showed the cyst disappeared and only a trail of its hull was left. A friend of this family, a director of Shenyang No.202 Hospital who had examined the infant before, after reading the report of scan and examined the baby himself, said, "It's utterly impossible to heal only treated by Tuina,they must have give her herbs or accupuncture when you left her." The families of the baby insisted that they had been staying with her all the time,it did heal through tuina massage. Afterward the child took another half a month of Tuina to confirm. To this day,the cyst haven't relapsed.
2.Granulation at throat
Name: Lv xx
Date: 2002-05-02
The 15-year-old girl pesented with a history of a ingravescence of hoarseness of 3 months. Three months before she came, she took an operation because of her patent ductus arteriosus under general anaesthesia in Shengyang General Hospital of Army. After the operation her voice became more and more hoarse. Two days before she came she was told that there was a granulation growing beside the root of right vocal cord by the doctor of the ENT department of that hospital and was suggested another operation. Her parents were afraid that the operation would damage the vocal cords and the operation couldn't prevent the relapse as well, so they brought her to take tuina massage. Wheh she came she could hardly let out her voice. Her tongue was red and her pulse was powerful, so it must be the injure of bronchial insertion which led to the obstruction of qi and blood in the local place. So we selected Prescription No.2 to massage. After the first time of tuina, her hoarseness was almost gone. After half a month the photo taken by laryngoscope showed the granulation had reduced a bit. Then we performed Prescription No.74 for another 2 weeks. The photo taken by laryngoscope showed the tumor had reduced obviously. But the doctor of N0.201 Hospital of Liaoyang insisted the change of the size of the granulation was caused by the difference of angles. After another 3 weeks, photo by laryngoscope showed that not only the granulation has disappeared but also a pit appeared there. The director insisted she must have taken a laser treatment. And after the child's mother promised that she hadn't taken it, the director said it's maybe a blood dunk. Another 3 weeks passed, she took a laryngoscope examination again. A lady ENT told her that the focus had already been stabilized.
3.Parotid Tumour
Name: Wang xx
Date: 1998-08-31
The 8-monyh-old male presented with a history of a left parotid tumour of 5 months. Five months before that the tumor was found, subsequently it became larger and larger. When he came to take tuina massage it had been as big as an egg yolk (2.5cm x 2.5 cm). No redness or swollen, no other symptoms of discomfort. He had taken the ultrasonic scan in the Third People's Hospital of Liaoyang and was confirmed a solid tumor, but its character was not clear yet. We selected Prescription No.45. In the first week of tuina massage, the tumor reduced to the half size of the original. But in the second week it didn't reduced so fast and he slobbered much more than before. We thought that the exogenous pathogen had gone but the spleen-qi was still deficient. We should strength the Vital-qi. So we selected Prescription No.73. After total of 70 days of tuina massage, the tumor disappeared completedly.
4.Congenital wryneck
Name: Guo xx
Date: 2001-08-04
The 6-month-old male presented with a history of rightward neck of 6 months. Several days after his birth he was found neck rightward and at 4 months of age he was diagnosed as congenital wryneck at the First Affiliated Hospital of Chinese Medical University. The doctors suggested his parents to take massage treatment. We noticed the infant slobbered a lot and the slobber was clear, his face darkish and yellow and his urine clear. Those were indications of the deficiency and cold of the spleen-stomatch. In TCM, the spleen nourishs muscles,while wryneck is just caused by the abnormity of a certain muscle. So we selected Prescription No.73 and No.46. After 28 days of tuina massage he was cured.
5.Disability of neck movemont
Name: Zhou xx
Date: 1996-06-29
The 26-month-old male presented with a history of incapability of neck movemont of 2 months. Two months before his coming to take tuina massage, he fell down from the sliding board and when he woke up that afternoon he was found his neck couldn't turn freely. His neck wasn't red or swollen, but was refused to be touched. After that attack he often cried. His sleep was uneasy and lessened. His appetite was bad and his stool was loose and frequent. His families took him to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chinese Medical University to take MRI scan and X-ray test. No problems were found. The diagnosis had been unclear. We noticed his neck was straight, when he needed to look he dared not to move his neck, he had to look depending on moving his whole body and eyeballs. So he seemed very droll. We noticed his had a blue complexion, so we deduced his symptoms were due to a fright and cerebral concussion. We selected Prescription No.28 and No.113 to massage. After 1 day of tuina massage, his neck became a little flexible and his appitite turned better. His grandparents were so excited that they couldn't help weeping. Five days later he could move his neck freely as normal. Then he was treated for another three days for confirmation.
Name: Li xx
Date: 2000-03-14
The 3-month-old male presented with a history of hydrocele in the right side of 3 months. Several days after birth he was found an accretion in right side of scrotum which became bigger and bigger after that. He often had a feebly passing water and cried at the same time. One day before he came he took a ultrasonic scan which showed hydrocele. We found him pale, thin and had an obvious abdominal distension. His mother said he vomitted frequently. So we deduced his illness was due to deficency of yang of spleen and kidney which led cold-damp into the lower part of the body. We selected Prescription No.90 to massage. After 1 week of tuina massage his abdominal distension was gone, but the hydrocele hadn't improved. We selected Prescription No.88 then. Two weeks later the hydrocele disappeared.
7.Tympanitis combined with mastoiditis
Name: Yang xx
Date: 2001-09-30
This 2-years-old male presented with a history of fever and redness, swell and purulence in left auricle of 3 days. He had a history of eczema and effusion from auricle. His mastoid also turned red and painful while being touched. He was diagnosed festerd tympanitis and mastoiditis in the Third People's Hospital of Liaoyang. Because the child cried severly while IV droping before, his parents took him to take tuina massage. In TCM, this disease is mostly caused by upward flowing and steaming of damp-heat from the liver and gallbladder. So we selected Prescription No.81 and Prescription No.8 to massage. One day later the fever and redness, swell of ear were gone, the pus turned less. Nine days later he resumed.
8.Inflammation around tooth
Name: Li xx
Date: 2001-12-31
The 7-year-old male presented with a history of fever and teethache and swell of face of 1 day. In hospital he was found the second molar in lower left decayed and a granulation had grown out of the hole. He was diagnosed decayed tooth, granulation and inflammation around tooth and suggested to IV drip antibiotics. His parents were unwilling to use drugs and took him to take tuina massage. His tempreture was 38.2C. His swollen cheek in left looked like a egg of goose but not red. He couldn't speak due to pain. After inquiring we learned he had taken a lot of mutton and some crab in the early day. In TCM, mutton adds fire and crabs bring wind to body. We selected Prescription No.41 to massage. One day later his fever was gone, three days later all the symptoms disappeared.
9.Festering tonsil
Name: Lv xx
Date: 2001-05-21
The 11-year-old male presented with a history of redness, swelling, chap, molt and blood seeping around lip of seven days. He licked around his lip ferquently because of the discomfort. Drugs hadn't worked at all and it had turned more and more severe. The inducement was his eatting large amount of peppry food, and he looked whiny, so we thought it must be a heat syndrome. We selected Prescription No.41 to perform. After one day the redness and swelling of his lip lightened and he could open his mouth to eat. Three days later it scabed where had been seeping. After 7 days he resumed.
Name: Zhang xx
Date: 2002-04-19
The 3-year-old male presented with a history of running nose of more than 1 year. During the past 1 year, he had been running yellow noses of a large amount. Several hospital have diagnosed it rhinitis and he had taken a lot of medcine without any improvement. So he was brought to accept our tuina massage. His face had a normal complexion, but he had a history of frequent cough and fever. He was testy and indulged eatting meat. His stool was dry and urine was yellow. We deduced it's a heat syndrome and selected Prescription No.74 tomassage. Twenty days later, he resumed.
Name: Song xx
Date: 2002-04-11
The 11-year-old male presented with a history of redness, swelling, chap, molt and blood seeping around lip of seven days. He licked around his lip ferquently because of the discomfort. Drugs hadn't worked at all and it had turned more and more severe. The inducement was his eatting large amount of peppry food, and he looked whiny, so we thought it must be a heat syndrome. We selected Prescription No.40 to perform. After one day the redness and swelling of his lip lightened and he could open his mouth to eat. Three days later it scabed where had been seeping. After 7 days he resumed.
Name: Zeng xx
Date: 2000-06-12
The 3-year-old female presented with a history of deafness of a week. One week before er families found her inactive to others' hail. In No.201 Hospital of PLA the test of hearing showed she was deaf in some degree, but her families hadn't keep down the result of test. She was told to take some antibiotic but no improvement was achieved. As no special history, no emotional inducement, we thought of a wisdom from the ancient TCM doctors: "Take the spllen-stomatch while no ways". After asking the parents we learned she prefered cold or freezing drink but off her food. She often sweat and cry for testiness at night. We found her tongue and its coating white and deduced it was a deficiency-cold syndrome. So we selected Prescription No.73 to warm interior and strenthen the spleen. Eight days later her hearing resumed. One year after that she got deafness a second time and combined with cough, snuffle and yellow nasal mucus. In hospital her multiplier-body was found hypertrophic. She often got up crying and beated others at night in unconsciousness. She had a history of excessively eating peppery food such as barbecue. Her tongue was red and its fur was yellow. Her stool was dry and her urine yellow. We thought it a heat syndrome and selected Prescription No.74 to perform. After 10 days of tuina massage she resumed again.
13.Effusing eczema
Name: Lv xx
Date: 1996-08-26
The 6-month-old female presented with a history of eczema of 6 months. Several days after her birth, she was found eczema with a large amount yellow effusion from head to foot. She also got a diarrhea and vomitting and often cried day and night. In TCM, this condition is due to deficiency-cold of spleen and kidney. So we selected Prescription No.102 and No.73 to strengthen them. One day later the effusion decreased, the second day the eczema scabed. After 14 days of tuina massage the scab fell off completely. The baby's skin returned smooth and white as normal infant. The eczena was healed.
14.Irritability purpura
Name: Ding xx
Date: 1997-07-08
The 10-year-old female has a history of low-grade fever, swollen and painful crura with dense bleeding points of 2 days. Two days before she got a fever, her knee joints got swollen and painful, in front of two calfs there found many bleeding points. Her urine assay result hadn't showed any problems. The RF factor was negative and C-reaction Protein positive. She was diagnosed as irritability purpura. Her families worried about the side effect of hormone, so they brought her to take tuina massage. We deduced that her illness was caused by the heat in blood, which were stired up by exopathic wind. We selected Prescription No.49 and No.39 to massage. The second day the fever was gone and the swollen and pain released. Five days later her swollen legs turned normal completely, but her joints of wrist, waist and neck swelled up in turn and made her felt painful while being touched. We continued to massage for her and after 15 days all the symptoms disappeared. Afterwards she continued to take tuina massage for another 3 days because her diarrhea.
Name: Yuan xx
Date: 1995-10-02
The 3-year-old male persented with a history of cough and pant of 1 year. He has gotten asthma which outbroke almost once a week for about one year. As soon as he coughed he must be sent to hospital at once. Every time he had to use oxygen and be injected some drugs to stop panting and strengthen heart. His frequency of onseting was unwonted. This time he got a high tempreture of 39.7℃. He coughed and kept panting, feeling short of breath. His grandma and mother weeped because of anxiousness.We thought it was due to wind, heat and phlegm damaging body together. So we selected Prescription No.114 and Prescription No.23 to perform. In that afternoon, his temperature dropped to normal and he was able to play on the ground. Ten days later he resumed completely. After that the asthma recured mildly 4 times within 1 year and been healed easily. One year later his asthma had never recured.
Name: Li xx
Date: 2002-05-25
The 18-month-old male persented with a history of cough and pant of 2 days. He had been diagnosed pneumonia in The Third People's Hospital of Liaoyang City and had taken bacteriophage for 2 days. But the situation hadn't improved. We noticed much rales and wheezes heard in both lung fields in auscultation. We found his complexion normal and it's not easy to identify if it belonged to a heat or a cold syndrome. And because hot types were more familiar in this situation, we treated him as a heat type. At that night his situation didn't improved. So in the next day we changed our priciple to strengthen qi of spleen and lung. We selected Prescription No.21 to perform. Eight days later he resumed completely.
Name: Xu X
Date: 1995-04-06
The 8-year-old male presented with a history of tiredness, sighing and getting fever frequently of 3 months. The boy got a fever after he was seriously frightened 3 months before he took tuina massage. And after the fever healed, he kept feeling faint, breathing hard and had to sighing frequently. Much treatment hadn't worked. The ECG showed sinus arrhythmia, P wave of Lead II, Lead III, Lead aVF were cuspate, T wave of Lead V1 and Lead V3 were inverted, cardiac muscle enzymes heightened: AST 36u/l (normal 6-25), LDH 188u/l (normal 60-133), CPK 26u/l (nornal 15-130), HBDH 200u/l (normal 65-165). He prefered prone position and sweated at night. He had a feverish sensation in palms and soles. His stool was dry. When he came he was suffering a fever of 37.8℃, The boy was thin and his face was yellow. His tongue was thin with thin and yellow tongue fur. his tonsils looked red and swollen His pulse was feeble and rapid. We noticed a arrhythmia in auscultatione. We deduced that his heart-qi was damaged by fright, afterward he was affected by exogenous pathogen. So we selected Prescription No.114 to massage. After the first day of tuina massage the fever was gone. Three days later we began to performed Prescription No.48 nourish his qi of heart. After one month his heart-throb and faintness were gone, his appetite turned better. His Hb grew from 108g/l(1996-01-29) to 148g/l(1996-04-22), ECG showed P wave looked a little tall and cuspate, the invert of T wave disappeared. The cardiac muscle enzymes turned normal: AST 37u/l(normal 6-25), LDH 107 u/l(normal 60-133), CPK 21u/l(nornal 15-130), HBDH 103u/l(normal 65-165).
Name: Tian xx
Date: 2002-02-15
The 5-year-old female presented with a history of anorexia since birth. She often get rheum, fever, stomatitis. She didn't like sports and sighed frequently. Her stool was dry. And in sleeping she often freted and sweated. In TCM, anorexia is mostly caused by the retention of indigested food which results in stomatch-heat after a long course. It's advisable to clear heat and remove retention and stagnancy. We selected Prescription No.113. Three days later her appitite didn't improve, we thought it might be a difficency and cold of spleen-stomach. So we chose Prescription No.21 instead. The second day her appitite got better, and 7 days later she recovered.
19.Acutes Diarrhea
Name: Song XX
Date: 1996-02-11
The 9-month-old female presented with a history of vomit, diarrhea and fever of 5 days. He was diagnosed as infantile diarrhea in the Third People's Hospital of Liaoyang. She had stayed there and accpted mainline for 5 days with no improvement. When she came to us she had a light dehydrate with a fever of 39.2℃. She passed stools frequently, vomitted shortly after her eatting or drinking. According to the acute onseting and a high fever, we deduced she had got a heat diarrhea. We selected Prescription No.70 to perform. The first day her vomitting and fever were gone and the times of passing stool decreased. Three days later she resumed completely.
Name: Ai x
Date: 1999-05-15
The 4-year-old male presented with a history of hematuria of 2 days. The day before he came his families found his urine red, so they took his urine to the Third Hospital of Liaoyang. The result of assay showed RBC(+++). He had no fever, edema and headche. After we examined him we deduced it's due to deficiency-cold of the spleen and stomach. We selected Prescription No.73 to massage. The second day his assay of urine showed RBC(+), and 5 days later he was all right completely.
21.Urinary obstruction
Name: Wang xx
Date: 1998-09-03
The 2-year-old male presented with a history of urinary obstruction of 2 hours. That morning his mother found he couldn't pass water. His lower abdomen was distended and he kept crying. We thought it's due to dump-heat getting down to the lower abdomen and selected Prescription No.86. Two hours later he could pass a little urine. At noon he had passed water normally. To confirm we massaged him for another day.
Name: Liu XX
Date: 2002-07-26
The 8-year-old female presented with a history of irretention of stool and urine of 1 month. Half a year before, she got a diarrhea。After that she often got abdominal distension. Sometimes she didn't pass stool in several days. Sometimes she hadn't felt when her stool came out. And in the past one month she lost the feel of the stool and urine's coming completely. Hospitals couldn't tell the reason. We asked her mother and learned she had a habit of engorgement and her stool smelled foul. It's a symptom of the retention of indigested food which resulted in heat of large intestine. We selected Prescription No.64 to perform. The first day she can feel her urine's coming. And 4 days later she recovered completely just like normal child.
23.Congenital incontinence of urine
Name: Chi xx
Date: 1997-01-30
The 9-year-old female presented with a history of urine incontinence and enuresis since birth. She had never felt her urine's coming, in daytime her trousers often wetted and in night she couldn't be awaken and passed water on bed as if she was unconscious. Her mother had got a serious dysentery and had taken large amount of drugs while in the forth month of her pregnancy. When we examined we noticed a loss (2cmX2cmX2cm) in her trail bone .Her memory was not so good but her movements had no problems. Her stool was dry and her urine was red and smelly. So we concluded that her incontinence of urine was due to heat in bladder. So we selected Prescription No.84 to massage. The incontinence of urine was improved obviously. Afterwards the the conditions improved slowly. We thought clearing for long time would cause deficiency. So we change the principle and selected Prescription No.87 and Prescription No.46 to perform. Half past 2 months she could control her urine not to wet trousers in daytime and in nights she got consious after being called to pass water. Her wetting bed turned sporadic.
24.Cerebral Palsy
Name: Zhang XX
Date: 2000-06-03
The 9-month-old male presented with a history of incapablity of limbs movement for half a year. He had a asphyxia history at birth. He had a infantile jaundice longer than normal. Since the third month of age, his families found there were some obstacle in the movemont of his limbs. He had been 9 months old but he still couldn't sit, or turn over himself, or take objects. His head and hands had been trembling ceaselessly. He was insensible to the surroundings and often cried disturbedly. And since birth he had a long-time low-grade fever(37-38℃) and a chronic diarrhea, often vomited and salivated. His eyes' secretion was yellow and his urine was yellow and smelly. A recent CT scan demonstrateed cerebral palsy. All the symptoms were the symptoms of heat in liver channels. Because the liver and the kidney are in the same origin in TCM, the kidney is also affected by the heat. And because the kidney can produce marrow which generate the brain, his brain was also damaged. It's advisable to clear the heat of liver and replenish essence of kidney. We selected Prescription No.50, No.75, No.82, No.29, No.47 No.109 and No.110 to perform. The first day low-grade fever and vomit lightened. The third day his diarrhea disappeared. After 1 month of taking tuina massage he could turn over skillfully, his salivating and frequent dark urine was gone. After 2 months, his trembling of head disappeared and the trembling of hands mended. He could also uplift his head and sit for a while. When 3 months passed, he had been found sensitive to the surrounding and was able to take up objects near his hands. His forficiform gait also disappeared. After 4 months of massage, he could sit all by himself and walk while his hand being hold. Five months later he stopped the treatment. Another 2 years passed, when we investigated his conditions again, we learned that he could almost live by himself and his intelligence was a little lower than normal child.
Name: Meng x
Date: 1995-12-02
This 11-year-old male presented with a history of epilepsy of 6 years. He had been salvaged in The People's Second Hospital of Liaoyang because of his 18-day-long coma after taking ignorantly a large amount of Jiangtangling (a kind of drugs to control diabetes ) at 6 of age. After this attack his turned impetuous and incapable of self-control instead of quiet. His mother said he would go straight into the pile of fire in front of him as if he didn't saw it. His memory turned awful, he winked and gobed frequently. He often twitched at around 3 or 4 a.m. if he got tired or been stimulated in the previous day. The EEG showed moderate pathological changes at edge system of brain. We noticed his face and lip red and acted excessively, so we deduced it was a heat syndrome in his liver channel. We selected Prescription No.115, No.113, No.28, No.35 and No.81. After 23 days the EEG showed moderate-light pathological changes. Two months later his ability of dealing with the surroundings had improved and he could come to tuina by bus himself. His memory also got better and impetuousness mended. Three months later his wink and gobbing were gone and the EEG result had changed to light pathological changes. His outbreaking frequency of twitch also decreased.
26.Weakness of neck and waist
Name: Liu xx
Date: 2000-02-29
The 8-month-old male presented with a history of weakness of neck and waist since birth. He had a history of serious jaundice in his first 2 months of life. He couldn’t sit straight, his head almost touched his feet. He couldn’t turn over, couldn’t creep, couldn’t stand. His limbs were tetanic, he couldn’t fetch, two feet crossed like scissors. The Second Affiliterd Hospital of Chinese Medical University had diagnosed him as Cerebral Paralysis. His stool was dry and his urine was often a little and smelly with a colour of dark yellow. He cried day and night and was off his feed. We deduced there exsisted a damp-heat in his body which had damaged his brain and led to his incapability of muscle movement. We selected Prescription No.28, No.49, No.74, No.81 No.46,No.108 and No.109. After 3 months the situation of his neck and waist had resumed. And 8 months later he could walk while his hands drawn by others. And all the other symptoms disappeared.
27.Crying at night
Name: Wang xx
Date: 2000-04-30
The 7-month-old female presented with crying day after night. When she came to our clinic,she also had got a cough and a mattery tonsillitis for 2 days. She had got diarrhea and abdominal distension since birth and a reiterative mattery tonsillitis since 3 months old. We thought it’s a heat syndrome and selected Prescription No.1 to massage. The second day her mother said the cough and the mattery tonsillitis had turned better, but she hadn't cry less. So we deduced it’s a mixed syndrome. The long-time diarrhea was due to dificency syndrome. Then we chose the Prescription No.102 to perform. In that night she didn't cry severely. We changed prescriptions according to her conditing every. Ten days later all her symptoms disappeared.
NAme: Ren x
Date: 2002-03-19
The 2-year-old female presented with a history of somnolence of three days. Three days before she had got a fever, after that the tempreture dropped to normal, yet she began to sleep much more than before. The hospital couldn't tell the reason. We noticed her complexion darkish, her stool dry, and her urine yellow. So we deduced it must be a mental confusion due to phlegm-heat. It's advisable to clear heat and disperse phlegm. We selected Prescription No.74. After the first day she got better, 2 days later she resumed.
Name: Hu xx
Date: 2000-07-12
The 2-month-old male presented with a history of jaundice of 2 months. At 3 days of age he was found yellow colouration in skin, which became more and more severe. At 7 days of age, his jaundice reached its top. After that the jaundice dismissed slowly. At 2 months of age, it's still obvious (normally infantile jaundice should disappear within 3 weeks afetr birth). We noticed the infant's skin and eyes were bright yellow, and he had been willing to cry day and night. It belonged to yang jaundice. It’s advisable to clear away heat and dampness of liver. We selected Prescription No.74, No.81 and No.105 to massage. Gradually the jaundice dismissed. His appitite and sleeping became well and his weight gain improved. After 22 days of tuina massage, he resumed completely.
30.Rubella combined with cardiac muscle damage
Name: Zheng xx
Date: 2001-04-26
The 10-year-old female presented with a histolry of tiredness, discomfort and arrhythmia of 5 days. Five days before she was fond rubella from head to feet and felt itching. After her mother daubed her a sort of drug for dispeling itch, her rubella disappeared and she felt tired, discomfort and off her food. She went to the First Affiliated Hospital of Chinese Medical University and took a ECG which showed arrhythmia. Cardiac muscle enzymes clued to some damage on cardiac muscle: LDH 387 IU/L(normal 60-133), AST 44IU/L(normal 6-25), CK 68 IU/L(nornal 15-130), HBDH 332 IU/L(normal 65-165). The girl had a darkish complexion and sweated while sleeping after she got ill. Her stool wasn't loose but passed frequently than before. She felt pain in her throat and her tonsils were red and swollen. We deduced she was suffering the inward sinking of rubella due to inadequate vital-qi. So we selected Prescription No.73, No.5, No.55, No.21 and No.47 to perform. After 13 days of tuina massage, the rubellas appeared again. So we stopped tuina and enjoined her to rest at home, avoid chill, affright and lavishing drugs. Several days later her rubella had come out completely and isappeared naturally. Her symptoms were gone also. Another assay showed her cardiac muscle enzymes had turned nearly normal: LDH 228.3IU/L(normal 60-133), AST 15.8 IU/L(normal 6-25), CK 43.9 IU/L(nornal 15-130), HBDH 137.5 IU/L(normal 65-165)..
31.Chicken pox
Name: Bian xx
Date: 1997-10-27
The 10-year-old male presented with a history of chicken pox of 1 day. Just that morning some chicken poxes appeared on his skin. But he hadn't got a fever. His mother brought him to take tuina massage. In TCM, chicken pox is a prosess that the heat-toxin go out to the surface of body enticed by exogenous pathogen. And just like measles and rubella, the more toxin out, the less in body left. The child's immune system will become strengthened and the probability of getting sick will minish.The clinical practice proved it's true indeed. The treatment should follow the principle of letting out and clearing heat. We selected Prescription No.6. After 1 day chicken poxes appeared at most of his skin. After 2 days it appeared from head to feet. Three days later poxes began to scab. After 4 days of tuina we told him to repose at home. This child used to got fever or cough frequently, but he seldom fell ill after that.
Name:Yang xx
The 13-month-old female presented with a history of styes at her right upper eyelid of 2 months. About 2 months ago she went to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chinese Medical University because of persistent redness and swelling of her right eye. Also there was too much secretion and tears in that eyel. Then she was diagnosised as multi-styes and took an operation. Twelve days later those styes recured and a new one appeared in her lower eyelid. Her parents brought her to take tuina massage. She often cried in nights, often felt sick and had a bad appitite. We thought it a heat syndrome and selected Prescription No.74, No.49, No.105, No.35, No.81 and No.8 to perform. After half a month, the redness, swelling and overmuch secretion disappeared. Tears turned less. The small styes in upper eyelids were gone and the four big styes and the one in the lower eyelid turned smaller. Her appetite and sleep got better. Thirty-nine days later all the symptoms were gone.
33.Flying with the owl
Name:Wang xx
The 11-year-old male presented with a history of flying with the owl of 7 years. About 7 yars ago he was found getting up at midnight and walking around in the house. He spoke something that others couldn't understand, his families couldn't woke him up. And after a period of time, he slept down anywhere. His families had to protect him behind him. When he woke up, he couldn't remember what he had done, but he remembered he had dreamed a lot. He often complaining swirlling, tiredness, feeling ill in heart and bellyache. He was fond of fatty food. In childhood he often pass stool soon after eatting. In auscultation, we found an arrhythmia, a little slow. We diagnosed his illness was caused by heat in spleen and stomach and selected Prescription No.49, No.74, No.1, No.47 and No.28 to massage. The first night he didn't get up, the third night and the sixth night he got up for a short time. And in the 2 latter weeks of tuina he only somniloquenced in dreams and didn't fly with the owl.
34.Impediment, hyperactivity, night sweat, anorexia
Name:Li xx
The 7-year-old male presented with a history of impediment of 5 years. He spoke normally before he got a severe stomatitis on 19 months old. But when stomatitis healed, he was found impediment. In recent years he nibbled his nails of fingers and toes every day, his families said they had never snipped his nails. He had difficulties to focus his mind. And he blinked, kneaded eyes, grubed nares and scratched head frequently. He had got anorexia and night sweat for several years. All these symptoms couldn't be improved by taking drugs containing Zn, Fe, Ca and other kinds of vitamins or taking herbals. He often complain of tiredness, increased times of excretion and abdominal pain. In the beginning we found his urine was yellow, so we thought it’s a heat syndrome. But after taking tuina treatment of 3 days, night sweat became worse. So we realized his yellow urine was due to his not willing to drink water. So we selected points to heal deficiency of heart qi , deficiency and cold of spleen and stomach. We performed Prescription No.47 and No.73. After 10 days of tuina, all those symptoms were gone.
35.Indirect hernia
Name:Li x
The 2.5-year-old male presented with a history of left indirect hernia of 2.5 years. His mother give birth to him at 45 years old. His hernia often appeared in daytime and disappeared in night. He was ill-tempered and often threw things away, hit and pinched people. He had a night sweat and halitosis. He wet bed occasionally. His stool was dry and his urine was dark. At beginning we thought his disease was caused by dyspepsia and heat in spleen and stomach. We selected Prescription No.49 and No.74 to massage. His hernia, appetite, halitosis and sleep improved, but night sweat, constipation and dark urine not. After 10 days of tuina, night sweat, constipation and hernia turned worse. So we thought it cold syndrome. Just then he caught a fever and cough, so we chose Prescription No.21 and No.47 to perform. All symptoms were gone. His temper turned better, his appetite improved obviously.
36.Enuresis, cough, vomitting and diarrhea
Name:LI xx
The 5-year-old male presented with a history of enuresis of 4 years, cough of 15 days, vomitting and diarrhea of 1 week. His enuresis began from birth(of course it's normal for an infant)and his bed was wet 5-6 times every night. It's difficult to awake him in night. He didn't pass water more frequent than normal children in daytime. His cough had begun 15 days piror to his coming and his vomitting and diarrhea appeared 1 week before. In auscultation we heard noise of asthma. He was a fair fat boy who was fond of meat and fat food and had a halitosis. He used to catch bronchitis and often got vomit and diarrhea because of improper diet. We diagnosed the cause was heat in spleen and lung and selected Prescription No.74 to perform. Soon cough and enuresis improved. But after having ham one day, diarrhea turned serious. So we performed Prescription No.63. Diarrhea got better but enuresis turned worse. But the result was diarrhea turned better and enuresis tuened worse. Because sometimes the heat in lung was also the cause of enuresis, we chose Prescription No.26 to massage. It worked obviously. After that enuresis happened occasionally, half a year later it was gone completely.
37.Cerebral Palsy, Strabismus, Muscle Atrophy
Name: Yang XX
Date: 2005-07-01
The 5.5-year-old girl presented with a history of cerebral palsy, strabismus, muscle atrophy of about 5 years. She was a low-weight baby of 2kg at birth and stayed in hospital for 5 days for asphyxia and indraft pneumonia. She was diagnosed as Cerebral Palsy when she was 10 months. Her grandparent were intermarriage. Before she came to take tuina massage, she had taken different kinds of treatment such as operation, accupuncture, massage, drugs which hadn't worked. In tne 2 months of tuina, we had selected many prescriptions, such as Prescription No.50, No.75, No.29, No.35, No.56,No.47, No.109 and No.110. We listed the effect below.
Eyes: She had got constant turn-in-and-down strabismus by birth, the situation of the right eye was severe, the left mild. After tuina the situation of the right eye improved much.
Upper limbs: Fomerly her muscles were strong, hands were agile almost as normal child. After tuina the force of limbs were much improved.
Waist and coxa: Fomerly waist and coxa were too weak to sit herself, she pitched 70°no matter sitting or standing, and she couldn't resist her swaying constantly. After Tuina she can sit very straight.
Lower limbs:Fomerly her calfs and feet looked thin and pale, the muscles were atrophic. Her mother knead her muscles and supervise or urge her to do exercise, but it hadn't worked well. After 2 weeks of tuina the muscles of calfs and feet had turned plump, the skin color had turned red (when she took tuina, her mother still kneaded her calfs' muscles, supervise her to do exercise). After 1 month, the aspect of calfs and feet had turned well like normal child. Her mother was very pleased at that.
Bend of toes: Fomerly when she standed or walked her toes bend down badly. After tuina her toes didn't bend down when she stand or walked.
Standing:Formerly she couldn't stand straight even supported by hand and coxa swayed around. After squating down she can stand up by the pull of her strong arms. After tuina she could squat down and stand up herself without the help of her arms or other people, she could stand straight herself for 5 seconds, and 30 seconds if she bend herself.
Walking: Formerly she could only walk staggeringly in a gesture of bending while supporting her two hands by other people. After tuina she can walk straight 200-300 metres when holding one of her hands.
Appetite: Formerly anorexia, often bellyache, halitosis. After tuina she had got a very good appetite, bellyache and halitosis had gone.
Physical force and psychosis: Formerly tired and weak, easy to cry,d oing excesise wae
hard for her. After tuina her physical force and psychosis get much better, doing excesise was easy for her then.
Talking: After tuina she talked more fluent than before.
38.Diarrhea, rectocele and cough
Name:Pang xx
The 3-year-old boy presented with a history of diarrhea(1 year), rectocele(6 months) and cough(4 days). He had taken 2 operations because of his congenital anus atresia after birth. And 1 year befors he was diagnosed as huge colon for constipation and and took another operation to cut off a segment of colon of 12cm. After that he got a diarrhea, 20-40 times one day. It had become more and more severe. He sufferd from rectocele in the past 6 months. In daytime, the red recta usually prolapsed out which bleeded while passing stool. In the recent 4 days, he had got a cough. When he coughed,his recta bieeded also. He looked pale and very thin. His appetite was bad. We knew it’s deficiency and selected Prescription No.73, No.21, and No.96 to massage. After 3 days of tuina, he passed stool only 1-2 times a day. After 4 days the cough was gone. After 5 days the recta went back and hadn't get out again. At the 8th day he began to take Buzhongyiqi Pill (Bolus for Reinforing Middle-energizer and Replenishing Qi). The patient took tuina for a total of 2 weeks.
39.Difficulty in emiction and passing stool after operation for protruding of back wall of urethra, vomitting, abdominal swelling
Name:Han xx
The 3.5-month-old girl came to us for "difficulty in emiction and passing tool,vomitting,abdominal swelling". After birth she can't urinate and suffered from abdominal swelling and vomiting. Her passing stool was normal. After a week of birth she was brought to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chinese Medical University. She had stayed in that hospital for 20 days, but the diagnosis was not confirmed and her situation hadn't improved. Two days later she was brought to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shandong Medical University and there she was diagnosed as protruding of back wall of urethra. Then he accepted an operation. After that she could pass water but it’s still difficult and broken 2-3 times involuntarily for every time. The urine was reddish, smelly, sometimes frequent. Yet after operation her passing stool turned difficult and she had it every 5-7 days. Stool was still sticky, green, smelly. Abdominal swelling and vomitting hadn't improved. We thought it’s heat syndrome and chose Prescription No.74, No.93 and No.86. After the first day of tuina, she passed a lot of smelly stool and abdominal swelling turned better, passing turned easier and urine turned more. After 2 days of tuina, abdominal swelling was gone and urine turned more and clear, not smelly. Passing urine got easy, no breaking. We massaged her for another day to consolidate.
Name:Wang xx
The 7-year-old girl came to us for enuresis from she was born. Three to five times every night. She didn't know her passing in night and nobody could awoke her. When carried up she passed,but the next morning she can't remember it. She had taken TCM herbs,acupuncture and other methods,but it's no use. This girl loved cold drinks, almost had it every day. It hadn’t worked when we treated her following the principle of clearing damp-heat. So we chose Prescription No.73, No.21 and No.46 to warm and reinforce Spleen and Lung. Then she seldom passed and could be awoke. If she was awoke at 2 clock in the night and passed once, she wouldn't wet the bed. Her appetite was also improved obviously. We treated her in that way for a month. Even she wasn't awoke at night, she only wet the bed occasionally.
41.Tympanitis, Fever, Cough, Vomit
Name:Han XX
The 5-year-old boy came to us for "fever and otalgia for 3 days". Three days before that he caught a cold, sniveled and coughed. He had taken bacteriophage but it didn't work. The night before his coming his temperature went to 39℃ and he suffered from pain of double ears which was more serious on left. Out of his left ear streamed yellow secretion. He couldn't sleep due to the pang. His appetite was bad and his spirit drooped. Sometimes he coughed, vomited and sniveled. Because he had taken ice cream before he got ill, his tongue coat was watery and slippery and his urine was clear. We thought it's cold syndrome. And we performed Prescription No.22, No.74 and No.48. After 2 days of tuina his otalgia was gone and his temperature turned normal. His cough and snivelling also lightened obviously. We kept massaged him for 4 more days for consolidating.
42.ConstipationName:He xx
The 2-year-old girl came to us for constipation of 2 years. After birth she had been bottle fed. Her stool was dry, hard and difficult to pass. The head of the stool was spherical and hard. It's as thick as the adult's and it's green. Whenever she passed stool she would cry because of fear. Her parents had to fill soap pieces in her anus. Yellow and soft stool had never been found. She often took greenstuff, fruit and honey but it's no use. She liked seafood and meat, eggs. We thought it’s caused by heat and selected Prescription No.74 to perform. It worked at the first day of tuina. She passed stool herself. There were a few hard globe at he head. At the forth day, disobeying our advice she took some fried fish and the next day she suffered from constipation again. Then we chose Prescription No.91 and No.19. Another 4 days later, the condition improved. After a total of 18 days of tuina, her stool had turned yellow and soft. We adviceded her not ro take seafood, meat and eggs for 3 months which could add heat to body and try to take more corn, greenstuff and fruit.
Name:Wang xx
The 8 years boy came here with "Legsache,insomnia,anorexia for one month".At first,He was taken to The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chinese Medcial University and he was diagnosed for "Growing pains" .Have no better after took Calcium tablets.More and more seriously. The boy began legs pain with paroxysmal day and night.He shouted aloud when he with pain.At the same time he cann't sleep.He was with anorexia and smell in his mouth several years before he got this disease.His stool was dry and urine was yellow.He was night sweat.And often with high fever.He was bad temper.His face was very thin,black,proscopiny.He was wholly disconsolate in spirit and cann't walk.I checked his legs and no inflammation.I asked his parents and knew that he had much deep-fry and barbecue foods befoer his disease.I think that there was indigestion due to Retention of Food.And this made his spleen and stomach hurt.The pain caused by his spleen and stomach were obstructed.
I chose the prescription 50 Tuina,after 2 days,he was better anorexia and can sleep.He cry legsache less.After 5 days Tuina,his legsache went away and he can walk like normal.He felt greatly bucked.I Tuina for him 5 days to steady,not got this diseas until now.
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