massage and bodywork professionals

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As a newcomer to the Massage Therapy world, I’m overwhelmed by the benefits that can be afforded by massage. So when I hear of something that I know Massage can
offer a benefit for I’m maybe overly enthusiastic to recommend massage to assist.
Some people admit they haven’t considered massage therapy as a treatment before, but Ive noticed there are a lot of people who seem to consider the idea of Massage therapy being able to alleviate pain and/or symptoms as some kind of hocus pocus.

I guess it’s not a case of trying to “convince” someone that Massage is the be all and end all for certain conditions, but how do you address a situation when you
feel that massage could help, if only the client/patient concerned would give it a try?

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Comment by Ruthellen Wood on August 12, 2009 at 2:18pm
oh yeah! this happens lots. One of the classics is "I'm not into that touchy feely stuff!" the grand put off. I start by asking have you tried massage? When they say no, I ask what the diagnosis is and how long they've been suffering. Most people in pain are willing to tell you about it especially if they've been suffering for a while. Listen carefully then recomend a non masage intervention. My favorite is ice or heat or something you know will relieve thier symptoms and is within your scope of practice. I also use chair height or other environmental things they may not have thought of. Now you have thier interest. Hand them a card and, if you have a special, offer to see them for that price. You could offer a shorter "initial" massage to work specifically on thier issue.Tell them you have some openings this week and that they should call you. Say' I have a few openings on tues/wed this week give me a call and I'll get you in to the office for a visit. Some times it works sometimes not. It's really thier choice

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