massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

Huge numbers.....and small numbers...

I'm not sure what the subscription numbers are for Massage magazine, but I'd guess that quite a lot of therapists get it.  This month's issue is the "Buyers Guide", which I have just flicked through as I'm not in a "buyer mood" these days, but there are a couple of things that are also included in the issue that are interesting.

They have an A-Z listing of bodywork techniques which just reinforced my view that we're all over the map when it comes to technique names.  I hadn't heard of some of them before, but that's not surprising as I've tended to not pay much attention to the "new 'n' sexy in-thing" because they're usually just repackaged "old 'n' unsexy" techniques with wee tweaks, specified sequencing and claims slapped on them.  That's just an opinion, by the way, and I did say usually - plus I'll readily admit to not "trying out" or reviewing the claims of all of them.  One thing is apparent though...READ MORE

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