massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

If you will not give my certification...i just want my money back

Dear Sir/Madam,
It is depressing to received an information about your organization.

CAMTC Chair May presented a proposed budget for adoption calling for CEO salary and benefits at an annual rate of $330,000 per year (the maximum of the aforementioned range). CAMTC Board member Bob Benson (ABMP’s Chairman and one of two ABMP representatives on the CAMTC) proposed an amendment to reduce that figure to an annual rate of $180,000.

After much discussion, the amendment to reduce the amount to $15,000 per month (i.e. $180,000 per year) was defeated by a vote of 9-4. All CAMTC Board of Directors meetings are open to the public; the information below reports the publicly taken roll call vote:

Board Member Appointed to CAMTC By Vote
Ben Drillings CA Massage Schools Assn. YES
Beverly May AMTA NO
Bob Benson ABMP YES
Dixie Wall American Massage Council NO
Judi Calvert Hands on Trade Assn. NO
Keith Grant Independent Massage School Assn. Of CA YES
Mark Dixon AMTA NO
Michael Marylander Elected by Board NO
Michael Schroeder American Massage Council NO
Paul Schwinghamer Career College Assn. NO
Richard McElroy League of CA Cities NO
Roberta Rolnick ABMP YES
Trisha San Juan Hands On Trade Assn. NO

Mason Myers, a CAMTC board member appointed by the California Association of Private Postsecondary Schools, had made clear in advance of the meeting that he would vote “Yes” on the proposed amendment, but, after staying on a conference phone for four hours while other agenda items were moved ahead of the budget discussion, had to leave the discussion to prepare for undergoing knee surgery.

You have demanded that the California massage therapist be under state wide licensing for the benefit of the public . I am one of them who responded and processed my application form. Finger printing and processing fee on top of my local licensing cost me to be in debt to my credit card an extra $400.00 because YOU HAVE REQUIRED IT.
The way this information appears, this organization is for the benefit of the few. All unions under California will one day meet its deserve due. I still firmly believe in Karma...I have a small business on the web- Instruments of Inspiration, I offer free shipping to all orders to help keep the cost of the shirt to a lowest possible price. It is my way of balancing the universe and eased consumers from paying too much for something they want. If you can not give me my certification....can you just refunded my money back. I do not think this organization will help me in any way just by the look of this report. I have enough taxes taken away from me from being single working in Marriott Corporation. It is upsetting that I have to ruin my hands for $30.00 an hour to join an organization whose expenses (paying for ceo) is already $300.000.00 just for one person and not counting other administrative expenses.
Integrity is a personal character that no organization can regulate. If an organization is willing to spend more than to save to protect and serve it members, I am sure that kind of organization will not be there for its members in times of need. California...we are heading for more pains and tribulations with these kinds of organization.
I paid 2009. Your office charged my credit card...I emailed how many times....still no respond. If you can give me my certication...just refund my money back. I just charged an extra $1000.00 for a car repair...I really can not support a lavish paycheck of other organization who does not do its work.
Sincerely frustrated,
Jessica Blaisdell,
Designer and Owner of Instruments of Inspiration
Massage therapist working for Marriott in Indian Wells, CA

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