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Introduction to Ayurvedic Massage and Bodywork hands on training

Introduction to Ayurvedic Massage and Bodywork hands ontraining 

Class Includes 24 CE Hours

Certificate of completion, Instructional booklet on howto on the treatments.

Event 1: Denver, Colorado 

Ayurveda Massage and Bodywork handson training - 3 Day class,

Date: March 4th - 6th 2011. Cost - $350.00 per class Class includes - 24 CE hours


Event 2: Costa Rica

Ayurveda Massage and Bodywork handson training - 6 day class

Date: March 7th - 12th 2011 Cost: $ 650


Event 3: Arizona - ASIS massageschool

Ayurvedic Massage and BodyworkTraining - 6 day class

Date: March 18th - 23rd 2011 Cost :$ 650


Event 4: Miami lakes, Florida

Ayurveda Massage and Bodywork handson training - 3 Day class

Date : March 25th, 26th& 27th 2011. Cost - $ 350.00 per class Class includes - 24 CEhours


Videosof the event on You tube:

Abhyangam - Ayurveda Body Massage -

Shirodhara - Ayurveda 3rd Eye Treatment -

AboutAyurveda ( Holistic system of healing)

Ayurveda is a 5000 year old wisdom passed down from sagesand has its origin from the asian subcontinent. Ayurvedic way of life is beingone with your self. It is said that our thought is the most fastest travelledof any in the world ,, and it is the thoughts that we need to control for thebetterment of life We are here to share about our life force ayurveda - meaningway of life in sanskrit.

Our teachers or my Gurus they share everything that theyhave learned traditionally from their guru;s . They are doctors of the modernworld but practising ayurveda in the authentic way.

Workshopdesigned for :

This workshop is designed for massage therapists and bodywork providers , Yoga instructors, Holistic wellness and healers who sharetheir interest in holistic approach and in deepening their understanding of thetherapeutic relationship through the art of developing their inner healing andthereby also understanding the clients needs to heal.

Aboutthe Workshop :

An introduction to the different therapies in Ayurveda ,The depth of ayurvedic medicine, introduction to herbs , Hands on training tothe different therapies and wellness.

• 10 Authentic Ayurvedic Therapies

• Leading this journey of hands on Body worktherapies,the instructor would explain you how theses authentic treatmentswhich leads us to physiological and cellular cleansing, purification regenerationand rejuvenation.

• Ayurvedic massage and Bodywork therapies helps yourbody detoxify gently and develops a sense of calmness and relaxation throughoutthe body both at the physiological and psychological aspects.

• You will learn about Ayurvedic Skin and beautytreatments , stress management therapies

• Different aspects of massage and body work whichencompasses the variety of different marma points, and cleansing of our subtleenergy channels called the nadi’s

• The usage of our potent herbal oils with itsintelligence of its own and its healing .

• Every treatment regime is different from the other thisclass would help you design a treatment regime – and will help you determinewhich therapy will be well suited for your client.

• The usage of Herbal powders with potent herbal oils forskin conditions and beautification

• Hot treatments like swedhana for detoxifying and helpto bring balance to our bodies with use of herbs.

• Some researches show that around 80 % of chronicconditions are brought in by improper lifestyle and improper stress management– and our clinical practices have shown with a proper regime of therapies youcould bring in a balance in ourself and others.


• These treatments are geared towards allowing our bodiesto gently detoxify and bring in a sense of calmness and relaxation.

• How food can be your medicine, simple lifestyle changescan bring in wellness.

• You will give and receive some of the below treatments.

Therapiesyou will learn :

Hands on training on the different healing methods

Abhayanga ( Authentic Ayurveda massage therapy)

Mukha Lepam ( Authentic ayurvedic Facial – usage ofsaffron oil along with herbal paste )

Mukha Swedanam ( Hot steam treatment before the facialfor your face)

Mukha Abhayanga ( Ayurvedic Facial Massage)

Udvarthanam ( Scrub with herbal powders for skinconditions)

Utsadanam ( Beautification treatment like a wrap for thewhole body with herbal oils and herbal powders)

Shirovasthi ( warm herbal oil treatment for headaches,and stress management)

Shirodhara ( warm herbal oil will be poured on theforehead brings great deal of relaxation and awareness)

Kizhi ( Massaging the body with a bundle of herbalpowders with warm herbal oil to sooth the nerves relieves back aches and painin the body)

Pichu ( Warm herbal oil treatment on the head thatrelieves any stress or tension in the head)


Contact Details:

Anitha Mohanasundaram

Phone number: 408-216-8030, 408-239-4800

Email : 

Website and

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