massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

I hve been wanting to begin a business of my own for some time and just when I think that it is all in order....I am here writing about how I still want it. Things are coming along but I still have trouble with certain aspects of business building when it comes to staying under the radar of the competition. Is there anyone else who might have run into this and if so would you be willing to share a couple ways to go about helping me in fixing this issue?

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Comment by Felicia Brown on July 25, 2009 at 7:44am
Rosemary -

Congratulations on your aspiration and desire to start your own business. I have a couple of things to add from what has already been shared.

1) Read my article in this month's issue of Massage & Bodywork called Create Success. It talks about how to succeed in today's marketplace by setting yourself apart. It's on page 36.
Sign up for my free e-course on Getting Clients to Rebook. You can sign up on the front page of my web site ( It offers several weeks of very simple tips for getting clients back on your books.

3) Determine why you want to be under the radar of your competition and be willing to change your thinking about it. When I was first in practice I went out of my way to meet my competition and trade with them. Not only did I learn what their work was like, but I also discovered a lot of cool techniques (as well as a few I didn't like) and I made contact with people who later referred me clients and business. You competition can actually become wonderful teachers, allies and friends.

Hope that helps. Let me know if you want to chat more about this one-on one:-)

Comment by Ruthellen Wood on July 22, 2009 at 8:46am
I can certainly understand where you are at. It can be fairly overwhelming especially if you are just trying to get started. Have you defined your market? created goals and a mission statement? Looked ahead 5 years? These are all part of a strategy and a part of your dreams. Cece, I can certainly help you get started and take the right steps to build your practice. Give me a shout and we'll get you started

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