massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

Dear Colleagues!

I would like to inform you that we recently published November-December issue of Journal of Massage Science. Here is short review of new issue:

Our Person of the Month for this issue is Mike Hinkle, LMT founder of the World Massage Festival. He shares with our readers his professional experiences and
current and future plans for the World Massage Festival.

In this issue in the Science of Pediatric Massage section we have started the publication of the article about Infant Massage. In the first part we reviewed modern theoretical foundation of
massage for the pre-term infants. In Part II of this article which we
will publish in the next issue of JMS we will cover some clinical
aspects of massage application for pre-term infants.

In this issue we finished the three part article on TMJ Dysfunction. In the final part we presented medical massage protocol and homework stretches for the client to speed up treatment and prevent similar problems in the future.

Our Case of the Month contributed by N. Slipka, LMT illustrates the clinical effectiveness of medical massage as a last line of defense before surgery.

As usual our Good Apple/Bad Apple section guides our readers to important publications in the massage literature and pointed out weak or misleading pieces.

Sincerely, Dr. Ross Turchaninov

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Comment by Mike Hinkle on November 28, 2010 at 10:37pm
Thank you so much for this honor. I would like to share this with ALL the volunteers that have made the World Massage Festival & Massage Therapy Hall of Fame the BEST convention!

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