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Key Components of Rossiter Asthma Technique

In order to understand the Rossiter Asthma Technique (RAT), you have to understand a few key components of the human structure that are easily understood but little known. Every part of our structure has a foundation in what’s called the Connective Tissue System. The CTS has two huge components that are critical to everything that will help you understand how and why what we do in Rossiter is so important. There are many types of cells involved but you don’t need to know each of these to understand how your body operates.

What the cells produce is critical to everything from standing to breathing. Just those two things are what can determine how our whole life can turn out. Walking is critical to your life, if you can’t breathe well you can’t walk, not to mention all the other things that require breathing and many times breathing hard. IF you can’t breathe hard you can’t run, climb, make love, dance, you name it.

So the principles behind the actual techniques become clearer when you have direct experience with the techniques. So being able to change the CTS or fascia becomes critical to making changes to our structural well being. Changing lung tissue and the smooth muscle system means changing what we think about smooth muscle and it’s encasement in the fascia.

What’s more, is how do we deal with this? Spray it with chemicals? Run drugs through the tissues in what is not recognized as a structural issue and not really about function? The function is about having a poor structure or overwhelming structural issues this is the same as where functional issues have overwhelmed the structure. In children, where there emotional issues, poor posture, being overwhelmed by electronics, as well as injuries, everything counts. All lead to poor structure.

The first step in understanding how we change this is understanding the following principles.

TDMP, Time, Dimension, Movement, and Power Theory

Time is simply the first element in creating a fully recovered body issue. Rossiter pushes the time to minimum amounts. Not days, weeks, and months to recover but seconds, minutes and hours to recover. Chronic asthma doesn’t need time to recover, it requires condensed effort by the client.

Dimension is about recreating the original areas of designed space the client was designed to have.

Movement irons or takes out the wrinkles created by the original problem. Movement is concise and targeted.

Power determines the speed of the recovery.


This is the dimension we are most familiar with daily. It looks constant for us. Time has it's own feeling of movement. If we're happy and playing in some activity it seems to pass quickly. If we are in the throes of somebody’s death or working at a job we hate, time seems to drag by with no end in sight. Overall, it’s perceived as a smooth movement of time over our lives, including the immeasurable speeding of it, as we grow older. So time, ever-present, surrounds us.

In Rossiter, time is about spending it wisely. The right choice is about getting involved in the process, not the ending. That means participation by the client. Client movement is slow and deliberate. IF you speed through an area you may miss what’s important to relieve.


We live and move in 3 spatial dimensions. We can slap our arm, poke a friend, or walk away. We raise our arm, walk, work, and play in 3D. When we start doing Rossiter, we use a testing system of Points & Dots as a way to visit an area to see how well we handle the pain in the area. If we want to push the envelope of HOW we move, then we move through more powerful movements. The coach pushes the PIC into new areas and including all the space we want them to occupy and reclaim.

This is where Locking comes in. Locking is the outward push of ourselves to stretch not only the immediate area being worked on but the rest of the body in its entirety, while the work is going on. That means stretching the rest of the body AWAY from the area being worked. So the lock creates an even bigger stretch than literally unlocks the area from the other side that has been shut down. By stretching from the inside, we push the CTS matrix beyond its current boundaries. Doing this from multiple points on the body, internally restores the originally designed body.

This pattern the body has developed over the years, months, weeks that created the pain needs to be stretched internally. By pushing the envelope of connective tissue to its outermost region, you are essentially ironing the CTS from the inside out. Moving in multiple dimensions produces incredible results, immediately.


The movement in all dimensions through time re-creates the lost space. When we first start with a person we give them smaller bites to chew on, while also making them push their limits as soon as possible. Reaching for a point is simple, but it may not be easy the first time. The more you do it, the easier it becomes.

Whatever we open, wherever we stretch, if we stretch it hard enough, it will open. Some people are always testing, while others rarely test themselves. If we like the feeling in our arm or leg AFTER the test, we usually will continue opening that area. With each new movement we push the client through, recreates a movement they needed to reopen the lung. Movement in multiple dimensions will recreate the movement that is normal and natural to the lungs and chest.


The last part of this whole process is Power. You maximize the stretch of each and every part of the CTS in any area by creating the appropriate Rossiter movement techniques. Opening the tissues structurally creates the space needed to breathe properly.

These 4 things together create the most powerful results you can ever expect to get. By delivering simple energy to a problem, the client’s body will inherently know what it needs and move accordingly. If the problem is the connective tissue, then the problem will almost immediately start to sort itself out. How do you know if this is the solution? Ask them to take a deep breath.

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