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NCBTMB Releases Needs Assessment Survey Report

The NCBTMB has just released their Needs Assessment Survey Report, a 15-page document that can be accessed here. The main purpose of this survey was to determine how massage therapists feel about the NCB’s plan to offer an advanced certification exam. In total, 6, 883 massage therapists responded to the survey, with 80% of those answering at least four questions. It would seem to me that which four questions were answered is of relevance, and assuming that it wasn’t the same four for everyone, that could significantly skew the results.

I clarified with Elizabeth Langston, the NCB’s Director of Exam Development, that AMTA and ABMP had helped spread the word about this survey (as did I; I posted it all over the Internet), with the result that 25% of the respondents are not now, nor have they ever been, certificants of the NCB.

Strangely, 19% of the respondents claim to have both the NCTM and the NCTMB certifications. Since TM is included in the TMB certification, it’s beyond me why anyone would pay the expense of having both. I fear that’s just an indication of how little new certificants (less than one 4-year period) actually know about certification. It’s been my experience that a lot of people just pay the money and take the test and really don’t know any details about what it means. Certainly there are thousands out there who don’t know the difference in certification and licensure, and I see the concrete evidence of that every single day.

70% of the respondents considered themselves to be advanced practitioners, and yet 45% of the participants have been in the profession less than two years. Apparently it doesn’t take some people that long to start considering themselves to be advanced. And yet, nearly 12% of those who have been in practice 6-10 years, don’t classify themselves as advanced. There’s something a little wrong with that picture. READ MORE....

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Comment by Heather Sprouse, LMT on January 27, 2010 at 9:36pm
I'm honestly glad that we now have a mtbok and that they are striving for an advanced certification.. I feel that if we really want to be seen as professionals we need to step up, even if it means pursuing higher education levels for our field. Our profession has been in the health care field for ages, but when it all comes down to it massage therapy is still considered a luxury and not a vital part of keeping a person healthy. I personally think our training should consist of far more than what it does in terms of anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, and even massage modalities.
Comment by Gloria Coppola on January 22, 2010 at 2:56pm
Thanks for posting
Comment by Marissa on January 21, 2010 at 1:20pm
Laura, you are one bad lady! Funny, I had many of the same thoughts running through my head as I was reading the report yesterday. I couldn't stop thinking about all the negativity surrounding advanced certification expressed through here. Then this report is all rosy snuggles. Something is off.

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