massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

Regarding 'The Insanity!' and 'The Future of Our Profession' posts

I am posting this separately from the previous discussions on here that have deteriorated into the most vile insulting and mudslinging bunch of crap I have ever seen in my life.

Laura Allen

I'm with The Rev on this point:

Sadly, there has been more vile insulting and mudslinging bunches of crap. One need only take a look at the archives found at .

I'm glad you have led a gentle life Laura, and haven't experience this kind of debate before (BTW Laura, I read and enjoy your blog, certainly one of the more useful sources of information pertaining to the issues in the massage industry).

It is ironic that the most heated discussion in the thread came on Valentine's Day, as noted by Ezekiel O'Brien. I have been at National conventions where this type of exchange occurred in an AGM (not in the States). After the meeting I spoke with the president and said what a shame it was that kind of exchange occurred. He disagreed and said that these exchanges are necessary. There needs to be an airing of views and opinions. There is harm in not discussing these issues merely because the outcome might be unseemly. As Christopher pointed out:

civility is of little value if it is not accompanied by integrity, logic, and tolerance.

I found the 'Why Are We Following? America Should Be Leading!!!' thread fascinating. Completely riveting in fact, then again, I wasn't being personally attacked. I started reading it yesterday evening and at 1.30 am I finally got to the end of it. Only a few punches pulled too. There are, however, a number of odd and perplexing statements in the thread, but that wouldn't be surprising as the conversation lurched all over the place from personal slurs to alluding to previous threats of violence to cogent comments on the state of the massage industry.
I'm disappointed that the thread was closed as there are many unanswered questions. There are also statements that need more rigorous inquiry. Before that can take place, I think all participants need to observe a rule of debating:


Attack the idea not the person.


Avoid bickering, quarrelling, and wrangling.


Update: I just found another thread that is continuing the debate over at Kris Kelly's blog and Alexei Levine's blog.

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Comment by Laura Allen on February 19, 2011 at 2:59pm

Thanks, Matthew. I haven't really led a gentle life, and I can go from zero to b*#ch in 2.5 seconds. I just don't like to see colleagues twisting each others' words and making character assassinations.


ABMP asked me before they started this page if I would blog on here, so I'm here, because I love the folks at ABMP. I think I just need to take my peace and harmony sensibilities and stay away from any discussions on here and people can continue to act just as rude as they please :) It truly distresses me to see it.

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