massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

"The diamond cannot be polished without friction, nor the man perfected without trials."

Good Morning - It is a glorious day here in Portland Oregon and I am sitting in bed completely enjoying the sun rising and the birds chirping. The weather here is incredible this week. Thursday my sister was down with her family and we spent the day with all the kids at the coast. Check out my facebook page for some beautiful shots of the kids playing on the beach! Jealous, yet? Welcome to mid-February in the gloomy, rainy northwest! :-)

Okay, cutting to the chase! Yes, I am a free agent. It seems Politics are ....well political!! As such, February 8th was my last day as the Executive Director of the Oregon Board of Massage Therapists. It has been a very educational journey and I am so blessed by the opportunities it has provided me to gain a much deeper understanding of regulation - what works and what doesn't and how to build regulatory excellence!!

I am in the process of evaluating what the next phase of my journey will bring but one thing is certain - it will be challenging, exciting, in service of this amazing profession and full of change!

Thank you for all you have given me!!! I have the unmost respect, gratitude and love for this profession and for all of you who have shared your experiences with me. To those who have kept me in your thoughts and prayers - your support has been overwhelming (in the best way) and your energy unbelievably sustaining!

Moving Forward! - Patty

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Comment by CH Lore Eidson on February 22, 2010 at 12:39am
Dear precious lady...stay cool! You have given so much to our profession and deserve many thanks! To a journey filled with reflections of joy, honor and fascinating callings to bring fulfillment to the diverse facets of your being.
With a sincere loving heart! Lore
Comment by Barbara Pickle on February 21, 2010 at 3:51pm
Remember to take time and BREATHE my friend. Thank you for everything you have done and will continue to do for the massage therapy profession in Oregon as well as the nation.

Holding the Healing Space for you....

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