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U.S. Department of Education Releases New Research Finding Online Education More Effective than Traditional Face-to-Face Education

The U.S. Department of Education has published a new study that found “online learning has been modestly more effective, on average, than the traditional face-to-face instruction with which it has been compared.” (p.51)

The 93-page meta-analysis examined 99 comparative studies conducted between 1996 and 2008. Some of the studies were done in K-12 settings but most of them were done in colleges and adult continuing education programs, including military and medical training.

The most significant positive outcomes were noted when the learners were actively interacting with the material or with other learners and additional improved performance was noted when reflective opportunities were included in the learning process.

This study has enormous implications for supporting an expansion of well-constructed learning opportunities to benefit the diverse interests of people around the planet.

For more info, including links to yesterday's article in The New York Times and to the study itself, see my blog at:

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Comment by Michael A. Breaux on August 27, 2009 at 7:40pm
TO Jagruti

With all due respect, this is exactly what educators do and it is not only legal but is ethical as long as the source of the information is cited. Authors, teachers, and ceu providers all work from a desire to share information. Schools, students, and therapists buy their books and courses (whether live or online) use these books teach the information provided and then offer exams to see if learning has taken place.

If a ceu provider gives credit to their sources, then this is neither illegal nor a loophole. It is how research and information are shared and passed on. Most author's books are a synthesis of other people's books and work. Probably Gayle McDonald cites other authors as references in her own book. I would love to know her opinion on this matter. I'd much prefer to believe that Petre Ling is proud of the trickledown effect of his life's work rather than spinning in his grave because others are profitting from it.
Comment by Jagruti on August 27, 2009 at 7:55am
However, we have many in our industry TAKING the work of others and then selling it as CEU's, with no TRUE experienced guidance.

This can happen because of a loop hole in the publishing world and has been taken advantage of by some who supply CEU's to our profession.

Gayle McDonald's HEALING HANDS/Oncology Massage training is a perfect example.

Gayle is in no way involved, has given no permission, yet HER work is being offered online and homestudy by others who have NEVER even studied with Gayle! The inference is there that Gayle is involved!

This is just one of many, many examples.
Let me be clear, this is NOT everyone! There are many truly ethical CEU's online and homestudy that have at the helm the originator of the work or qualified instructors overseeing.

Any thoughts/feelings?
Comment by Mike Hinkle on August 25, 2009 at 11:56am
This is an issue with great timing. We are polling Festival Therapists NOW about it. The results will be defined at the 2011 Festival.

We will begin some of these discussions at the 2010 symposium and gather more data and input.

The bulk of the 2011 Festival will be centered around research and education. One of the issues all therapists will be polled on, before the symposium, will be their desire for which form or some combination of both. I see both sides of the issue. Retention will be a large part of the conversations, I'm sure.

The final symposium panel has not been determined yet. It will be comprised of:

Hall of Fame members entering :Susan Salvo, Diana Thompson, Leslie Young, Judith Aston, Lynn Wind, Lynda Solien-Wolfe, Whitney Lowe, Leon Chaitow, Deane Juhan, Jack Thomas, Peter Wind and David Lauterstein.

Institution of the Year: Massage Therapy Foundation

Past Hall of Fame: Many will be here. Check sponsor list as that's where we include teachers and Hall of Fame members that are returning.

Lifetime Achievement Award Winners: Joe Feruson. Pat Donohue

Also Instructors are invited to be on the panel: Julia Hayes, Peggy Lamb, Carole Osbourne, Ralph Stephens, Tom Owens, Sharon Puszko, Ben Benjamin, Michae Buck, Jenny Ray, Richard Rossiter, Vivian Madison-Mahoney, James Waslaski

And we always find people to represent schools, products(vendors), teachers and associations. I think the best peson to represent You is ...!

I hope to see you at the symposium!
Comment by Bert Davich on August 23, 2009 at 3:35pm
Go to the entire discussion at The discussion places a good perspective on the value of online & home study.
Comment by Quincy Brown on August 22, 2009 at 4:11pm
I cant see how online learning would be better for massage therapist. I can understand some of the required CEU and book courses, but as for hands on learning. MT's need face to face training to be better therapist.
Comment by Susan G. Salvo on August 20, 2009 at 8:48pm
Thanks for sharing!

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