massage and bodywork professionals

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Hi members,

Always, I have a question in my mind to ask some one...

Almost 95% my clients' left arm (on branchioradialis muscle) get knots (trigger points).

although they are right handy. why not right arm??

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Comment by JB Harding, III LMT A.A.S. on July 3, 2010 at 6:53pm
I can answer this. It's because most people are right handed, but they use their left arm for heavy lifting and such which strains that muscle more in that arm because when it is used, it's used for heavy straining work.
Women a lot of times carry their purses on their left and hold them hard with that forearm for dear lift at times...
The right arm is always busy and has been conditioned for the work it does from years of learning how to write and perform fine motor skills with... The left arm doesn't receive this type of attention and atonement so it suffers more...

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