massage and bodywork professionals

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I am curious on how other massage therapists get along who are working while pregnant. I am 5 months pregnant, and feel great. I hope to work for as long as I can. I am worried I will loose clients when I take maternity leave, I am also worried about how I am going to be feeling in a few months, I would like to carry on working despite how big I will be. Any thoughts on this?  

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Comment by Ashley Mason on August 27, 2013 at 7:24am

I worked right up until I had all of my children, my son who is 4 and I also have twin girls that will be 2.  I did everything as per normal right up until my due date or when I had them which ever came first.  I lightened up my schedule a tad in the last two weeks so that if I went early I did not have to cancel as many clients.  As far as maternity leave I took 6 weeks with my son and 8 with my twins.  I did however pop back in at week 4, and 5ish- on a Saturday to take care of some of my favorite clients.  I do not think that I lost any clients with doing that at all, those who love your service will wait- that is what I have found across the board.  I hope this helps, and that you have a great pregnancy!  Best wishes.

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