massage and bodywork professionals

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I know, I'm nosey. I was a travel writer.


For six years, I got to travel to Bed & Breakfasts and get massages, all for free, and write about it. So my roots are in traveling, meeting people and hearing their stories. Now I travel around and do The World Massage Festival & Massage Therapy Hall of Fame.

I found the adjustment to a single location massage establishment, inside a strip mall, very confining. So I started a way to stay "in the massage world and travel!" But that is another story!

What's your story? What did you do before massage? Tell us of your travels and what massage is like where you are, especially if you massage outside the U.S. We really like pictures, if possible.


If you get bored come see me at my page

Thanks and welcome to Massage Professionals!

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And the reason for the question. Thanks, Terry!

Terry Capuano said:
In my 20's a bit of everything, 30's financial administrator for surgical practice (money,money), then office manager for "hands on" PT practice. Thru PT group became acquainted with "Esoteric Healing" and fascinated by the body's ability to heal itself. Knew I was looking for something, so I asked the universal question "what is it I came here to do?" When I "got" the answer I laughed...and a few years later took an intro massage class...felt like I had come home. After 14 years I'm still learning and being thankful everyday. It's when we look back that we see how our path led us to today.
Hello everyone. I worked in management for a large insurance company in Ohio. I was in a high stress environment .. managing too many people to make a difference trying to meet unrealistic were those reporting to me. I spent more than 12 years learning the ins and outs of auto insurance, climbing the corporate ladder, diving head-first into office politics, hiring, firing, coaching and developing, person after person. Essentially I was a corporate "junkie". BUT, I loved every minute of it! for a while anyway..
I traded the real-world for that of relaxation and tension relief...if only for an hour. Now, I try to help my fellow "junkies" as much as they'll let me!
I would like to call my story "Here and There and Back Again" (No, I didn't steal this from Bilbo Baggins, never!) Over my years, I've been a landscaper, gogo dancer (no, not the strip club kind), music industry slave, corporate america slave from wince I got laid off, but a year's notice was very nice! I've always loved education and being in the hub of natural living, Denver, I decided to check out massage school. So besides practicing in Denver, I moved to England, came back from England to Indiana and now am in the process of moving back to England again, WHEW! I can say my greatest accomplishment was starting my practice up AGAIN, in the height of the recession in Indiana and be able to eek out a living. I love working for myself.

I see my natural progression leaning towards physical therapy or winning the lotto. Though, I think the challenge of educating and helping people with massage in my part of England shall be quite interesting.
Paul, we welcome you aboard! If you decide to get back into some kind of graphic or editing work, let me know!

Paul T Carney said:
I was a film and video professional for about 15 years; everything from cinematography to editing and effects.
I burned out on the profession, and became a sculptor and art gallery manager while I figured out what to do "when I grew up". That's when massage therapy came along (or I came to it). Massage gives me so much more direct satisfaction than what I did before, and that wonderful feeling of being useful in the most basic of ways.
Massage here in Louisville, KY is growing . . . I'm in school at Advanced Massage Therapeutics, and the stress there is definitely on the therapeutic side. It's great.
While I'm finishing up my certification, my day job is in publishing, and I'm also a flamenco accompanist!
Well Sandie, I hope you will find a way to get your locale to except Reiki. I bet your medical background could help. Keep the Faith!

Sandie De Jesus said:
Traveling abroad and experiencing the culture especially in the field of massage would be a dream come true for me!

I have had a very rewarding experience and career in Healthcare. My training and experience is based on formal flight medical training in the civilian and military (4N01X) sectors which translates for: Paramedic, LPN, Medical Asst, Barometric Chamber Technician, among many other hats! I have worked in OB/GYN, Emergency Room, Dermatology among many of the departments in the VA Hospital. I still serve in the military as a Guardsmen. Unfortunately, while doing the military duties, time constraints are the norm so I seldomly get to perform or receive massages while deployment.

Currently where I live, there is a wide array of massage therapists as there are modalities. I feel this is wonderful in order to meet our client's needs. The only aspect I would like to see in the future of massage in my town is more acceptance of modalities such as Reiki, EFT, Thai Massage and other modalities which would nurture the clients acceptance of their own body and awareness.
Yeah about now instead of you relaying their call for help, the buck stops with you. Good luck and let us know if we can help!

Heather Sprouse, LMT said:
I was a 9-1-1 emergency calltaker and dispatcher. I started massage to get out of the high stress environment. I tell you though, with the economy like it is, I don't find working for yourself any less stressful.
Sure would love to hear about some of your "adventures at sea." A lot of therapists, on this site, have asked about the living conditions on board these ships, if you care to share.

Theresa Kirksey said:

I worked for the cruise line as a air/sea reservationst. Prior to the cruise line , I have worked as a xray-assistant , physical theraypy assistant. That has been ages ago, now back to the body, go figure. Life change because of the inspiration from my dearest dying cousin. This is dedicated to her.
I travel constantly myself...but am finding it annoying and tiring as my daughter (now 3 1/2) is getting older. While it is still great that I have clients in Alaska, Illinois, Connecticut and Vermont...I am glad to be focusing on building my clientele here in my (semi perminent) home in Brattleboro VT.
I was traveling all over the US and lived in a van with fuzzy orange carpeting while on the road and the woods all other times, selling jewelry, clothing and hand bags. It was great! I also started selling things at music festivals...and still do! Anyone interested in a big wonderful hand made custom Hula Hoop?
However, I wanted to do something more for myself and for others. I was always interested in energy healing and so I explored Reiki and Barbra Brennans School of Healing before actually attending a formal massage school. Once I got into my massage school, I began exploring all the different modalities and also became a certified Yoga Teacher.
Now I am coming full circle back into my playful nature and am balancing a holistic approach to healing the mind body and spirit with Circus Arts. I have taken 2 levels of Circus Yoga Trainings, and am now enrolled in the New England Center for Cirucs Arts to work on learning aerial fabric.
Ive always thought it tremendously important to "live the life you love"

I was GM of Short Line Gaming and Short Line Express Markets.

The gaming company was a slot route company. (We're the ones that run all over town collecting money and fixing the slot machines.)

The markets are a convenience store chain, 12 strong.

So, I guess one can say that I carried a lot of money and sold slurpee's!

My goodness, you are a busy lady, Janet. You are welcome to write for us anytime you want. And I hope to meet you at The World Massage Festival, it will be the best convention you have ever been to. Hope you are massaging before Festival!

Janet Wickell said:
I just became licensed as a MT last summer and haven't yet pursued working in the field (other than take several CE classes on modalities of interest). So I still do what I've done forever, write. At the moment I'm writing about quilting for the network, part of the NY Times. I've also written about real estate for About, but quilting is much more fun.

I have written numerous quilting books, some as a freelancer and three on topics of my own choosing, and one real estate book. I'll always write -- who knows, maybe *someday* about massage or esthetics (and I do have a MT web site in development).

Oh, I also co-own a fudge shop and real estate agency in Brevard, NC, and have some building space for MTs if anyone has an interest.

I hope to attend the festival next year, but will be in the middle of a 6-month esthetics course, so am not sure if it's doable.
Rick, welcome to way less stressful!!!

Rick Morgan said:
Pediatric Intensive Care RN, way to stressful;)
Welcome BJ! Look forward to some great discussions!

BJ Verrastro said:
Hello everyone. I worked in management for a large insurance company in Ohio. I was in a high stress environment .. managing too many people to make a difference trying to meet unrealistic were those reporting to me. I spent more than 12 years learning the ins and outs of auto insurance, climbing the corporate ladder, diving head-first into office politics, hiring, firing, coaching and developing, person after person. Essentially I was a corporate "junkie". BUT, I loved every minute of it! for a while anyway..
I traded the real-world for that of relaxation and tension relief...if only for an hour. Now, I try to help my fellow "junkies" as much as they'll let me!

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