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Search Results (16)


I love this article so much that I decided to share it with you! This information is taken from Massage Today, one of the leading Massage Therapy magazines in the industry.  It discusses a study conducted on the "Benefits of Massage - Myofascial Release Therapy on Pain, Anxiety, Quality of Sleep, Depression, and Quality of Life in Patients with Fibromyalgia".

     This article, authored by Castro-Sanchez and colleagues,…


Added by Jennie Degen on November 17, 2011 at 10:39am — 2 Comments

Massage Reasearch Bug Shares Knowledge About Fibromyalgia!

Fun Facts from the Massage Research Bug:

"Massage therapy is actually one of the most beneficial treatments for fibromyalgia pain and fatigue."

Ryan Hoyme, AKA Massage Nerd made the video below about me!!!!…


Added by Mike Hinkle on September 18, 2010 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

Fibromyalgia and drug based therapies

In the dying throes of 'pharmaceutical' ruled medicine, the purposefull interaction of therapists with tradiotional medicine can eliminate problems for both.

Many of my clients have come with complaints and somatic symptoms that are related to drug based therapies they have been put on by medical professionals.

One of the most common mistakes is being prescribed by multiple agencies that aren't aware of what the other is doing. What usually results is overmedication and… Continue

Added by Stev Pitt on July 29, 2009 at 6:30pm — 1 Comment

Working in Chronic Pain

lately I've been thinking a lot about being a bodyworker with a chronic pain condition. I suffer from Fibromyalgia and I find that when I am working, I feel better. It's when I get home from work and attempt to relax that I am in the most pain. Most recently I had a flare-up that caused me to have to go home early from work one day. I am so tired of being in constant pain and being tired all the time. I have worked hard to not be labeled as disabled and I became a bodyworker because of my… Continue

Added by Kelly Tedrow on July 31, 2009 at 3:00am — 3 Comments

35% Off for Emergency Responders in Honor of 911

35% Off For All Emergency Responders

Fire/ EMS/ Police/ Dispatchers/ ER Dr’s & Nurses.

Now Until September 30th

Applies to 60/ 90/ Minutes Sessions

( 2 Hour Sessions available requested in advance )

No Other Offers Can Be Used With This Discount.

Wheels To Wellness Massage Therapy LLC.

Get The Wheels In Motion To A Healthier Feeling You

Pain Management/ Pain…


Added by Tiffany J Markley on September 6, 2019 at 7:25am — No Comments

TMJ, Headaches and Facial Neuralgias

TMJ Pain Solutions is proud to introduce the MyoFree(r) Solution, the world's first intra-oral therapy system that effectively treats the myofascial pain associated with TMJ and other head, face and jaw dysfunctions, including headaches and facial neuralgias.

The MyoFree(r) Solution is a LIFE-LONG, SELF-CARE, PAIN RELIEF SYSTEM, based on intra-oral trigger point release therapy. The solution includes the MyoFree(r) massage tool, a carrying case, a quick start guide, and a detailed… Continue

Added by Gail Falzon, RN on July 17, 2009 at 3:10pm — No Comments

Breathe easier by Not Breathing

That's what we love about somatics exercises.  Quite often those counter-intuitive approaches ring true after we've experienced something for our self.


As an avid exerciser who overcame fibromyalgia only to have a sports injury take me out of the game, I had to make a complete paradigm shift to learn how simple, easy movement using the brain took me through the looking glass and allowed for an…


Added by Eduardo Barrera on November 23, 2011 at 11:47am — No Comments

Better Walking with Somatics Exercises

Hi, I'm Ed Barrera, Hanna Somatic Educator and founder of Gravity Werks and I teach people "online" how to overcome physical pain, reduce stress & tension and recover quickly from injury using safe, simple tools known as somatics exercises.


As a 10 year practitioner, I finally figured out that all the movement classes I had been teaching had to be recorded.  If only I had known that 10 years ago... 'course I was a bit green then.  Now I have 150 movement classes and each…


Added by Eduardo Barrera on September 15, 2011 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Fit Over 50 - Free Teleseminar

What's it take to be Fit Over 50.

Well, I had this dream of bringing together some of the top athletes over 50 on a phone call together.

I wanted to interview them on how YOU can use their techniques to enjoy whatever activities you're engaged in.

I've used their strategies to win some gold and silver medals at the Washington State Senior Games and U.S. National Soccer Veteran's Cup (Being a former fibromyalgia patient, now 14+ pain free years, I no longer need a…


Added by Eduardo Barrera on November 13, 2011 at 11:08am — No Comments

Local massage therapist,Andrew Wolfe,LMP to speak on the radio.

Andrew Wolfe, LMP is the owner and massage therapist of Harmony Licensed Massage Therapy located in Arlington's health care district at Smokey Point, Washington. He has a private practice in the Cumulus Park Health Care Center serving patients in the north Snohomish County region since 1987. In his profession as a licensed massage practitioner, he has focused on the rehabilitation…


Added by Andrew Wolfe,LMP,Mms. on April 15, 2011 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Clarifying massage and insurance coverage by Andrew Wolfe,LMP

It has come to my attention the need for more education about massage therapy benefits and the coverage under insurance.

First, providership is essential for the practitioner, whom is qualified by credentialing and training.

Second, is the need to look at the individual (patient’s) plan, provision and policy of the insured, whether it be an individual or group plan. Just because a provider is listed as preferred on your insurance plan does not mean you have… Continue

Added by Andrew Wolfe,LMP,Mms. on January 17, 2011 at 8:00pm — No Comments

What Couples Knead-A Course in Couples Massage

Who needs couples massage?

Are you stressed?

Does your back hurt?

Do you have trouble sleeping?

Are you married, in a relationship or have a good friend that you can buy a few beers and have them agree to touch you?

The truth is everyone benefits from couples massage. It's one of the best ways to relieve minor aches and pain while strengthening your relationship and…

Added by Michele Holmes on March 6, 2011 at 3:20pm — No Comments

Getting massage covered by health insurance

Getting massage covered by health insurance is always a hot topic.  Many MT want to stay out of the healthcare business and not get into working with insurance and the medical profession claiming that it takes the 'art' out of doing massage.  The medical profession and insurance companies are seen as places that will eat massage therapists for breakfast!

On the other hand, getting massage covered by health insurance in every state can help the profession become more of a profession. …


Added by Julie Onofrio on July 30, 2012 at 1:08pm — 5 Comments

Water-natures natural healing remedy by Andrew Wolfe,LMP

Have you ever been told by your massage therapist after receiving a massage to drink plenty of water? You may ask yourself, ''Why is this"?

The body is mostly composed of fluids. The skin holds the fluids in as well as holding other structures together - like a body suit. Fluids in the body consist of lymph, blood, cerebrospinal fluid as well as other fluids as carriers to help in the transportation, distribution and elimination process. It thereby supports the ability to heal, restore,… Continue

Added by Andrew Wolfe,LMP,Mms. on January 17, 2011 at 8:03pm — No Comments

Cold and Flu season; Increase your immunity with massage by Andrew Wole,LMP

Harvest is upon us again. It is a time to gather and take in the bounty of our labors. It is also a time of reflection, a time to look within and assess our needs; to take inventory and appreciate what we have. In the medical community and with the reminders in the media, we realize it is also cold and flu season, a time when we can deplete our immune system. When this happens not just the individual suffers but all those around them do also.

As a society we have been informed of… Continue

Added by Andrew Wolfe,LMP,Mms. on January 17, 2011 at 8:05pm — No Comments

The Value of Massage by Andrew Wolfe,LMP

Health care is on the minds of most people, whether they have it, need it, or don't have the right policy due to financial infeasibility, to acquire or maintain it. Unfortunately when it comes to health, if you don't invest in it now, you pay for it later, as the investment of our bodies seem to yield higher rates of health issue returns to our lives as we age. As it stands now, preventative health is not recognized under most health insurance policies unless it comes… Continue

Added by Andrew Wolfe,LMP,Mms. on January 17, 2011 at 8:06pm — No Comments

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