massage and bodywork professionals
a community of practitioners
I posted a blog on this site and also on my facebook account in which I tagged nearly 30 massage therapists in, but so far have only heard from about 4 or 5 people total between the two places. I realize I posted this over Easter weekend, and many people were probably with their families rather than on their computers, but I'm starting to wonder if this is a worthwhile project or if I'm just going to be wasting a lot of time and resources trying to actually do this. So my question is, do people care about research? Do people want to be able to understand and use it? Or am I way overestimating the number of people who would actually take advantage of this project? Project description and reasoning is below..I really would love to hear from as many people as possible, whether you are interested in it or would never use it. Thanks
Original message:
A lot of massage therapists are becoming more interested in the research going on in our field and want to be able to read it, understand it, and put it to use. The problem is, essentially all research articles are geared towards other researchers or those who at least understand research, and most massage therapists have never taken a class in research methods. This is creating a frustrating disconnect that I want to help change.
I started learning about research about 7 years ago when I was getting my Bachelor’s Degree in psychology. I am currently working on my Master’s Degree in applied psychology which has a heavy emphasis on research, and little to no emphasis on counseling (think putting theories to use in broader terms and conducting the research that will then help people). To sum it up, I don’t remember what it’s like to not know about at least basic research methods and terminology.
I am in the process of designing a website geared towards helping massage therapists to understand research and this is where YOU come in. I need all of you out there who are confused, frustrated, upset, eager to learn, etc. and I need to know: What do you want to know? What would be helpful? What specific things have you confused or wanting to throw your arms in the air and give up? Any and all feedback will be extremely helpful in making this site work for YOU. Please get in touch with me either through this blog post or email (kgorallmt at yahoo dot com [trying to avoid spamming]) and let me know what you want! Please cross post this if you'd like- the more input I can get, the better this will be.
Views: 364
Yes, thank you Kim. About the cortisol, that is interesting--the Touch Research Institute headed by Tiffany Fields has a great deal of studies where the cortisol levels in saliva were measured, do the articles you posted basically cover that all cases of measuring cortisol are inconclusive for massage? Sorry to hijack the thread, I'll be happy to see your site!
Ty and Christopher are absolutely correct. Kim, you're not wasting your time. You are much braver and admirable than me to stick it out despite the obstacles!
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