massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

Will you be attending?

Thinking of attending?

Wishing you could attend, but won't be able to this time?

If you can attend, what do you hope to get from the conference?


I will definitely be attending. There is quite a lot I hope to get from it, but most importantly I look forward to the opportunity to see and talk with some of my favorite colleagues, and to be introduced to new colleagues.


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It probably didn't help our case that we requested more than the standard amount of time for Energy Medicine in Massage Therapy: A Scientific Debate and Discussion and Massage Therapy and Randomized Controlled Trials: The "Gold Standard" Explained, but that's how these things go. I was very much looking forward to the possibility of doing the first one, as the topic has generated some long-running and good discussion in another thread on this site. Also, I had lined up a perfect colleague to do this with me - an energy medicine proponent, with Ph.D. training, who is a both a practitioner and educator. I think it had the potential to be a really great conference session.

For sure, now, those would have been some interesting debates.
So, here's a thought:
A verbal online debate between you and the energy expert (I'm really curious as to who that would have been, but I understand if you didn't want to say).

Who needs a conference when we've got the internet?
Would you be on for it?
Interesting idea Vlad. I already sent the unnamed person an email asking if they might like to 'do' the discussion in the pages of IJTMB. I don't know if they're going to be interested in that or not, though, as that's probably more work and less fun than it would've been to do it at the conference.

Are you suggesting we attempt to do it by video? If so, that's an interesting idea. My university has really nice videoconferencing resources, so it is something that I could do at my end.
Oh! You're thinking at a higher level than me. I wasn't even thinking of video, but if you have a load of equipment there to use (and I presume you don't need to pay to use it?), then why not?
The big question is getting the other PhD hooked into your system. I'd take it that they'd just need a mike, a camera and means of access to your set up online (just guessing here)?

I was just thinking of a recorded voice session between you, the other phD, a moderator and "maybe" having a few people ask questions. Some of the blog community sometimes have online blogmeets where bloggers all blether in an audio session with multiple callers and then they throw it in a podcast and put the recording on their blogs - that's what I was thinking, but a video recording would be even better.

Would you need a moderator? I think it would be better to have one. Who would make a good one? I'm just throwing ideas out there, but It could even happen live and then people could put in questions through skype (the same as they do in the political ones). Or questions could be posed on this site to be asked. IMHO, the questions asked would need to be good - as in any debate, the quality of the questions are what make the debate (it always amazes me how many times they are not answered). It would need to be recorded too though and put online so anyone could view it anytime. I could help with that.

OR another way of doing it is have each participant come up with questions for the other participant. Since the both of you have PhDs I'd think that your own questions would be pretty good. That might be the most fair and easiest way of doing it - I'm just thinking of bias here.

It's doable, though, right?
Might be interesting.........
I'm digging this!
Bomb diggity if it happens, Robin.
I would love to go but my first quarter year is already packed, with a hard core second quarter to follow. Study vs. work . . . .
Hey folks - It's been a while since anyone has posted to this thread, but the Conference is getting closer so I thought I'd take the time to bring it up again.

Those of us who made submissions heard last month about what was accepted and what was rejected. I'm pleased to report that I'll be giving two oral presentations, and both of these feature work that my students and I have done recently here at UW-Stout. One is entitled "Cortisol Reductions in Response to Massage Therapy: A Comprehensive Quantitative Review", and the other is entitled "The Effects of Massage Therapy on Autonomic Nervous System Activity and Affect".

There is a third thing I am likely to be involved in, too, but that is still in the works so I am bound to secrecy, at least for now.

As I understand it, there will be 30 oral presentations and 30 poster presentations, in addition to the keynote addresses and other events.

*You* should attend. The last one, in 2005, was lots of fun.
I agree that research is important to our profession,

So how about a little help?

How should research education should be implemented in the classroom.

Any ideas?

Here's the discussion: squirrel will be leaving the tree behind and heading to Seattle in May since they had a great squirrel-getaway deal that I couldn't pass up.

So here's the deal.

YES, I'm calling you two out because we need to have a pint.
Seriously. I'll even buy.
Now THAT's saying something.
Way to go Vlad!

We are going to have to have that pint some other time; just too much on my plate this semester for Seattle.

How about the WMF in NC, summer of 2011? Gives us plenty of time to make plans! squirrel will be leaving the tree behind and heading to Seattle in May since they had a great squirrel-getaway deal that I couldn't pass up.

This means Vlad will be a flying squirrel.

YES! All being well, WMF in NC in 2011 is a must - plenty of time to practice our pint lifting technique.

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