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Not really a discussion.. But something interesting happened the other day...One of the Big changes that I have noticed over the last couple years is... I work in a spa.. We have two waiting rooms...One upstairs, one downstairs.  In the past, when we went to get my client they would be reading a magazine perhaps, or a book they brought...But now, they are on Iphones and Smart phones texting.  Some text all the way to the massage table.. Anyway the other day a massage therapist got fired for texting during  her massage work.

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Unn uh.  I would stop, step back and say, let me know when you're ready to resume.  And absolutely would not extend the session unless fee also was extended.  Respect is a two way street.

Jessica Weagle said:

I have had more than a few clients that text while I am working on them

Except for a total of two weeks, when a family member was in and out of the hospital, and I was her medical POA, my cell phone is never in the room. I explained to my clients, they accepted it, and luckily the call came after hours.  Texting during a massage is beyond rude.  If I were the client, I would get up, walk out, and flatly refuse to pay. I do have a number of clients who are the primary caretakers of ill or very elderly parents.  I know who they are, and if their phone goes off, I offer to get it for them. I know they need to relax, and so do they, but most of the time they check the screen & ignore it, they know they need this time for them. That being said, this is the South,  and there is no way they'd forgive themselves if Mama was unconscious in the hospital waiting on them to make a medical decision.  I respect that, and I deal with it.

If the client wishes to text or talk on the phone, fine, it's their time on the table they can spend it however they like, though I try to discourage this for their own benefit. As for the therapist it shouldn't even be a discussion, you phone shouldn't even be in the room or if it is, it shouldn't be on. Your client shouldn't be expected to pay full price for only part of your attention.

IMO it is a mistake to continue to work while the client is distracted.  Actually, it should be a contraindication.  We are taught not to treat if the client cannot judge the pressure level, correct?  It's their time, however, I step back from the table and wait for the call to end, but the session time will continue   

Luckily it doesn't happen very often, I've only had one that had to answer his phone so I chose not to break contact and continued to massage his shoulders until he was finished. I definately don't encourage it. I saw something in a magazine that I thought was really cool, it was a decorative box with a lid that you encourage clients to put their phones in during the session. I think it said something cute on it like "leave your worries here" or something, but anyhow it makes them aware that they need to put their distractions away and enjoy their session. Other instances where I find it acceptable for a client to have a phone is when someone is expecting something important, like a lady I had not too long ago, her daughter was in labor but hadn't gone to the hospital yet so she was waiting for news. Though I would suggest if the situation is stressful they could reschedule for anther time, but then again that may be why they need a massage that much more. I can't say I've ever had a texter on the table though I have had people ask me to get their phones mid session so they could turn them off after being interupted by them a couple times. Anyhow, right or wrong, the client pays for my time regardless so my phone stays out of the room. Everyone I work with knows you don't interupt my sessions unless there is a life threatening emegencies

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