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why is least around my part of the world...that to shop from an abundance of variety of massage oils/creams/lotion one has to mostly do it online? I hate that I can't just walk into a store and purchase a variety of product. So far the only product I've been happy with that I can buy locally is at Sprouts and that's Hugo Natural's Shea Butter. But the other products i LOVE have to be purchased online. Which means that if I run out in a session I have to make sure I buy ahead of time, which I don't always have the financial means to do.

It'd be nice to have a store that I could go to and purchase products.

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Recently I resorted to using a product called "Spa Touch" from Sally Beauty Supply, because I ran out of Biotone. To my surprise, I like it better and so do my clients! (Plus, it's cheaper.) So...look for a large-ish Sally somewhere ( -- I think they're all over the country. You might also check around to see if there are any sources of supplies for the cosmotology industry nearby. The people who purchase products for their salons don't buy online exclusively! See if there are any beauty colleges around to ask. To use their suppliers, you might need to prove you're a member of "the industry" if you're friends with whomever does your hair, ask them, they might even be willing to share their membership card so you can go sniff around to see what's available for your purposes...maybe nothing, but it's worth a shot.
The closest supply store is an hour away from me, too. I order online out of necessity. The local health food store does have some massage oils and cremes but nothing I want, and they don't sell in bulk.
Same in Pensacola, FL Lisa. We had a supply store here for a while but it went out of business. I agree with Marilyn about Sally's Beauty Supply. I but items there as well. They do offer a discount for us in the industry. Just have to ask for it. May have to show your license. They have a limited supply but all is good I have found so far. Hope this helps.
Maybe it's time to think of a branch off business. As massage grows, so would the need for supplies in the traditional shopping sense.

things that make you go hhhhmmmmm. :)

Thanks for the tip on Sally's. There is one here in town so I am going to check them out.

Sam...I'm with you on the lotto ticket. I don't play those things cause I really don't have the money to piss away. Although I've been very tempted to purchase a Dallas Cowboy's lotto ticket. But I'm selling myself on that urge being from a business point of view and not a personal one. hehehe

It makes me wonder...are any of the product companies out there willing to give samples to begin to take orders for?
Lisa, it seems to me there was a very early discussion somewhere on here among people who make their own concoctions at least for their own use (Eeris comes to mind but I may be mistaken.) I don't have time to scan through right now, but check around...and heck, girl, you could maybe put together a nice little side business to benefit your locals. There are a number of cottage industries right around here that sell everything from honey products to lavender lip gloss to dog shampoo--to the public, at fairs and farmer's markets to start with--but lately I have noticed some of these same "homegrown" items appearing in a local gourmet market. There was a jojoba oil table at the WMF this for thought for ya! With reference to Sally Beauty Supply, seems only the stores that are a bit larger carry the gallon sizes since they have more space. In case they fail to mention this little fact, do check others around your locale if necessary. Hope the one closest to you stocks what you need! I buy the lotion by the case...and yes, sign up for their discount program for sure!

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