massage and bodywork professionals

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I'm thinking of taking a medical massage certification with this group and they sponsor a trip to Costa Rica for this particular course. I get their flyers in the mail so I don't know anyone who has worked with them and would appreciate anybody here who might have getting back and letting me know how their experience was and any other pertinent information.

Thanks so much!

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Hi! I did take their program. I did not expected any miracle from so short time,but it let me put on business cart nice words. I did in Charlotte.
Thank you Tamara! I don't expect any miracles either, just want to know how to bill insurance, worker's comp, etc. I already know a lot about medical massage, but thought I could definitely use the certification credentials. I may just end up going to Houston for the course in March instead of to Costa Rica - lots of money going out right now. Thanks again!!
Deborah. I just completed the Medical Massage course with LMT Success this past summer. part of the course was on the cruise to Cozumel. I wouldn't have missed it for the world. It is great. Fast paced though. New people to the massage biz. will get left behind as they run through this stuff pretty fast. You REALLY NEED TO KNOW YOUR ANATOMY. Harvey,Joe and Shamiya are great. Paul the director is more then helpful. I call down there often. If you go to Costa Rica you will have the time of your life On the cruise, we had classes early in the morning (starting at 7 or 7:30 ) got done then had the rest of the day to play. Make sure you take the tax class that Paul gives. It is a treasure trove of good info. you won't get from your tax guy. If you do go, tell them I said "Hi" Scott
What is this medical massage course. I want to take my MTL and work in the medical field with it when I am done with school. Is that something I need to be able to do that? Or does it just help? Where can I get more info on it?
Joseph. Medical Massage allows you to do more specific work such as working on carpal tunnel, whiplash, frozen shoulders ect. By being cert. as a MMP, medical massage practitioner, you can work off of a Dr.s script and bill the insurance co.s LMT Success will show you how and give you sample copies of the billing paper work, codes, Dr. scripts you will need. Just copy their paperwork and add your name and logo to it. (it's o.k. they show you how) If you take it with LMT Success, call Paul the director and give him my I.D. #099 as a referral. They are great people and extremely helpful.
Cool. I'm not licensed yet but that is the route I plan to go when I am. I'll have to check it out. Is there a website to go to or should I just google it? I have a friend that is just a regular LMT and she works at a doctors office. I was offered a job there already for when I finish school. So that is the route I plan on taking for now. Then I'll just see where things take me.

The website you want is:

Joseph Matties said:
Cool. I'm not licensed yet but that is the route I plan to go when I am. I'll have to check it out. Is there a website to go to or should I just google it? I have a friend that is just a regular LMT and she works at a doctors office. I was offered a job there already for when I finish school. So that is the route I plan on taking for now. Then I'll just see where things take me.
Thanks for that info Scott. I will tell them hi for you. As it turns out, I may not be going to CR after all, but will probably take the course in Houston. My anatomy is pretty strong and I work for a chiropractor right now. Lauterstein-Conway, which is where I went to school for my license, probably has the best A&P coverage for massage therapists anywhere in the south. Take care!

Scott Causey said:
Deborah. I just completed the Medical Massage course with LMT Success this past summer. part of the course was on the cruise to Cozumel. I wouldn't have missed it for the world. It is great. Fast paced though. New people to the massage biz. will get left behind as they run through this stuff pretty fast. You REALLY NEED TO KNOW YOUR ANATOMY. Harvey,Joe and Shamiya are great. Paul the director is more then helpful. I call down there often. If you go to Costa Rica you will have the time of your life On the cruise, we had classes early in the morning (starting at 7 or 7:30 ) got done then had the rest of the day to play. Make sure you take the tax class that Paul gives. It is a treasure trove of good info. you won't get from your tax guy. If you do go, tell them I said "Hi" Scott
I also offer travel through LMT Success with their GET AWAY packages. This is a great for your clients (or you) Go to and add I.D.# 099
Deborah, here is a link to references for Shamaya Chah, one of the best instructors I've ever experienced.

Just took part of the Medical Massage Certification courses she taught for LMT Success Group in Baton Rouge, and got more than my money's worth. Her company, Musculoskeletal Rahab Inc. co-produces w/LMT Success Group. I opted to take on A Day Of The Neck and A Day of the Back, skipping the Insurance Billing portion which I'm not doing.
Of the 25 in attendees, only two of us weren't going for the whole MedMassageCert. program they offer. The 23 who were seeking certification wanted to deepen knowledge and be certified for a variety of reasons. About 1/3 classroom review of written material, 2/3 hands-on. Shamaya is highly focused, effective, deeply knowledgeable and humorous too! Physiology is her best thing. I've never seen anyone who can spew anatomy better! In one month I've applied all the techniques I learned with noticeable releases of restriction for my clients who've come back to talk about this! Yup, I'd sign up to travel when more $ is available.

I took my Medical Massage Certification with LMT right after graduating from Massage School almost 8years now.  it is the best thing I ever did.  If anyone is interested in working in Pain management and injuries do this. It gives you a lot of info.

I know this is an answer to an old question, but might benefit someone now.

good luck!


I took a couple of classes with them and I wasn't that impressed.  The Day of the Neck and The Day of the Back included going over some A&P, some time given to cross fiber friction, some time given to common injuries in the area and then everyone in the class learned the same protocol.  They also cut the classes short (which annoys me with all CE classes - let's take 1 hours for lunch and kick off 45 minutes early too - it's a sign that they don't have enough material to cover the hours)

There are a lot of CE classes that follow the same format (here's the anatomy of the area - here's a protocol), but I would have expected at least some time given to assessments. In the case of medical massage it's mostly a case of assessing and then coming up with a very well defined, well-reasoned protocol for that particular client.

Also, they didn't cover the iliopsoas for low back pain.  Even if it was the same ol' same ol' (here's some coverage, here's a protocol), it didn't seem to me like the coverage was done well.


But everyone else seems to think they were great, so maybe I just attended one at a bad time - or maybe my judgment or expectations are completely off kilter.

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