massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

I'm thinking of taking a medical massage certification with this group and they sponsor a trip to Costa Rica for this particular course. I get their flyers in the mail so I don't know anyone who has worked with them and would appreciate anybody here who might have getting back and letting me know how their experience was and any other pertinent information.

Thanks so much!

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I attended the LMT Success Group Medical Massage Certification program back in December, 2010.  I was under the impression there would be much more time spent on insurance billing than there was.  Only 10% of the class (4 hours out of the 40 hours total) was dedicated to this.  We only covered the very basic basics of insurance billing.  My recommendation is that if you are interested in medical billing or insurance billing for massage or manual therapy, attend a seminar with Vivian Mahoney on JUST that. 


Also, our class size was huge, 40 participants, and we didn't have enough massage tables.  There were three therapists to a table, so the 'round-robin' of three made the class progress very slow.  (IMHO of course.) 


Don't get me wrong, IMHO the instructors were great.  Harvey and TC kept the class 'in-line' so to speak, and knew what they were doing.  I just can't put my finger on it, but there was something missing from the course.


LMT Success Group is actually right here in town teaching as I write this.  They either just finished up, or are beginning on Monday.  I got along so well with TC and her husband Roger that I've asked them to present a seminar here in Las Vegas in July.  Here's a quick demo video from them if any therapists here in Las Vegas would like to attend:


I'm actually meeting with TC and Roger today at Northwest Health Careers so they can see the facility and where they will be teaching.  One of the biggest stumbling blocks for most therapists that I see is...we learn all these cool assessment techniques, massage techniques, etc., etc., but most can't translate this into attracting new clients.  So, for the class mentioned above, I've worked with TC, Roger and their marketing guru Todd, to spend the first day, 6 hours, on assessment (postural assessment, active/passive/resisted ROM, etc., etc.) and then also spend some lecture time on how to get physicians to refer patients to us as well as the 'business' side of massage. 



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